The King's Words

Jayden took me to our bedroom first and checked the whole area first. The last time he left me here, I was taken by my father's men. So to make sure that no one would be able to take me, he asked Owen and the other guy who I didn't even know the name to guard me inside the room.

"Love? Are you sure it's necessary to guard me inside the room?" I asked.

"They will stay in the living area, you could stay in the bedroom. Wait for me." He said.

I understand that he's worried but I'm not comfortable that I am being guarded even inside our own room.

When he saw that I was frowning, he pulled me inside the bedroom and embraced me tight. He cupped my face and stared at me.

"Hey, I know what you feel but I'm really worried. My mind will be at ease if some of my men are near you. Please. I'm really worried." He pleaded.