Back at Home

"Welcome back!" Alora greeted us when we arrived at Queen's.

"Thank you for having us again here." I said.

"How are you? Are you okay now?" She asked, worried.

"Yes I'm fine now. I'm sorry for always making you all worry."

"We're used to it." Nina teased.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at them. They were like a family to me. I have never felt alone because of them.

"So what are your plans now?" Sophie asked.

We were in the living room, chatting before going to bed. The boys were at Luke's office talking about something. I know they were discussing about Matthew Forelli.

"I'm planning to finish college. I mean, you're all successful in your chosen career and I was left behind so I asked Jayden if I could go to Golden Oak College and he agreed." I answered.

"That's good then. We're glad you are back and safe." Alora whispered.