The Other Guy

"Love, what happened? Can you tell me please?" I worriedly asked.

He was quiet for half an hour already. He was just sitting on the couch holding my hand and would sometimes give me kisses and a tight hug.

I couldn't understand what was happening but I let him. I was waiting for him to calm down and tell me what happened.

"Love?" I called.

He looked at me and his eyes seemed so anxious.

I cupped his face and stared into his eyes.

"Tell me, what happened?" I asked again in a serious tone.

"He spoke to me." He answered, looking directly into my eyes.

I frowned. Who's he? At first I thought he talked to my father but then I remembered what he told me about the other guy. His other self.

"Him? That guy? What did he tell you?"

I know it was something bad. He wouldn't be screaming like that if it wasn't. He really looks restless as if something important was taken away from him.

"He wanted me to kill you." He whispered.