Happy Moment

"Love, thank you for this house. Finally, I have a home." I whispered.

We were on the bed hugging each other after a few more rounds. I was exhausted but I was happy.

"You always have a home, Peggy. As long as we're together, everyday feels like home." He said while kissing me on top of my head.

Jayden really changed a lot. He was still a devil in bed but I actually liked it. He wasn't like a perfect prince or a boy next door type of guy. 

He was an evil type of guy who always yell at me and call me stupid. He's someone who's both gentle and rude. He shows his love on a totally different level.

I scooched closer to him and buried my face to his neck. I heard him chuckle while looking at the ceiling.

"Love, will you allow me to talk to that man?" I finally asked.

I was thinking about it for the past few days and have come to this decision. I know Jayden might disagree with it but I still wanted to ask his permission.