My Other Husband

"Tsk. Stupid." He murmured then averted his eyes away from mine.

I giggled because he didn't know he was blushing.

"Are you done? If you're done, let's go home." He sounded pissed when he said that.

I wanted to laugh. He was like a commanding and demanding evil guy earlier but now he was like a teenage boy blushing in front of his crush.

I nodded and stood up. He followed when I started walking out of the restaurant.

My feet were beginning to sore. I forgot that I accidentally tripped earlier in the bathroom. I wasn't able to tell Jayden about it because I thought it wasn't that bad.

"You're hurt." I was startled when he suddenly grabbed my hand.

"I tripped in the bathroom earlier before we went out of the house. I think my left ankle is swollen." 

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? You're pregnant. What if something bad happens to you?" He scolded me.

"I-I'm sorry."