Chris, Lucia and Matthew

After that day, Matthew never came back to school. Rumor circulated that he became his father's right hand man. That he was doing everything his father wanted.

Lucia and I continued our lives and I was more persistent on finishing my studies. Once I become a doctor, we will go far away from Flousia, get married and have a family.

After a year, we graduated and I took another year to practice medicine, then I became a doctor, a psychiatrist. We already planned our escape, everything was settled. But something unexpected happened.

"Princess Catherine disappeared. She ran away with a rich man named Benjamin Miller." Lucia informed me.

All I could think of at that moment was Matthew. I was thinking if he's okay. From the photos that we saw in the newspapers, it seems he's really in love with her. Princess Catherine was not a perfect woman. She's a rebellious one according to the rumors.