The Real Enemy

"Matthew, can you tell us what really happened? Why were you in our house that day?" Jayden's father asked.

We were surprised, we thought we knew everything already. Jayden frowned and was looking at his father with a confused face.

"Chris, I don't want to talk about it." Father answered.

Jayden was starting to get impatient because it's that our fathers were hiding something from us.

"Can you stop lying to us? It's been what? Fifteen years? And I still couldn't understand why you had to kill my mother. You said she was like your little sister but why did you have to do it? I'm begging you. Tell me!" Jayden yelled.

I held onto his hand tighter to calm him down. I could feel his hands were shaking and he was trying to control himself.

"Dad?" I called, looking at him with pleading eyes.

He stared at me and sighed deeply.