We still have a few days to start the project so today there will be a welcome party for Kyle in Queen's.

The party is a formal dinner so I went to Azalea to look for a dress to wear. I found a simple dress that fits the occasion but still needs some altering, so I decided to go to a nearby cafe to wait.

I was sitting in the corner not visible to anyone when two familiar figures came in. I was shocked when I saw who it was.

It's Kyle and Peggy. Peggy was clinging to Kyle's arm and they looked so happy. They were chatting and laughing with each other. Kyle sometimes leaned towards Peggy and whispered in her ear, Peggy will giggle at it.

What the hell is happening? Is she cheating on Jayden now? Is Kyle trying to take my friend from my friend? How could he do this?

I put on my sunglasses and my hoodie jacket. I covered myself with the menu when they sat on the table in front of me.

"Peg, aren't you coming home? I missed you." Kyle said.