
After two rings, it was Emily who answered.

I was so happy to hear her voice and she sounded okay. I know the girls were also glad to hear her, too.

Among the five of us, only Emily lived in a different country. It was a big decision for her since it was a foreign country. She was half Russian, half Japanese. It was a great sacrifice to leave her family, friends and the place she grew up with. Everything was new to her.

Now, in a month she will take the throne as the queen of Flousia. I know she will be a great queen and Flousia is so lucky to have her.

"Emily, is Kyle there?" Jayden asked.

Emily didn't answer but I know she gave the phone to Kyle.

"You do know you're a nuisance." It was Kyle's voice.

I don't why I suddenly felt excited when I heard his voice. I wanted to talk to him and tell him about what happened for the past months. I suddenly felt that I missed him and I wanted my older brother beside me.