Gown Fitting

It was the day of the gown fitting. Me and the girls were excited even though only a few days left before the coronation. The palace was already getting busy and all of Flousia was rejoicing for their new king.

"Are you not afraid of your new role?" Nina asked Emily.

We were inside the palace's dressing room fitting our gowns when she suddenly asked the soon to be queen.

"At first, I was really afraid to be the queen. I've been discriminated against and looked down upon but Kyle was always there." She sighed.

"When I came to Flousia for the first time. We were greeted by the people. I was overwhelmed but at the same time restless. I was thinking, I needed to show the people of Flousia that I am fit to be the queen of their country." She continued as we listened to her stories about her journey as queen.