The Royal Secret

I know it wasn't supposed to be this way. Kyle is my big brother and the newly crowned King of Flousia. I should be obeying him, but all I wanted now is to torture the man who hurt Jayden.

The royal guards' loyalty was to their King, but the loyalty of A.E's men was with Luke and Jayden. So I am their priority and not Kyle.

"If Emily got hurt, what would you feel?" I asked Kyle.

Kyle took a deep breath and looked me directly into the eyes.

"I will feel the same way. But Margaret, Jayden won't like this. For his sake, for Caden and for the baby inside you, let me handle this. I will make sure that they will pay for what they've done." Kyle said in a firm voice.

I still didn't cry even though I wanted to. I felt like the emotions I have inside were making me numb all of a sudden.