Alejandro's decision

Alejandro still didn't say anything. I'm not sure why he was so afraid of his so-called boss that he was willing to risk his life. Kyle felt that he wouldn't really tell us who it was. He raised his hand to give a signal to his guards.

The royal guards moved fast and one by one, carried Alejandro's men outside of the throne room. Alejandro looked around, turning his head from left and right. Confused and afraid, seeing his men being dragged outside.

"Their lives depend on you. Talk and I might have mercy on all of you." Kyle said in a firm tone.

Alejandro suddenly bowed down in front of Kyle, but still not saying anything. I looked at Kyle. He was holding a .45 caliber revolver and from the looks of it, I know it was from grandpa.

He stood up and slowly walked towards him. Without a word, he shot Alejandro on his shoulder. I was suddenly afraid of him. He was the most calm and soft spoken brother but now, all I could see was coldness in his eyes.