Mom Part 1

"Alira, do you agree? If you become Caden's fiance, you will be the crown princess of Flousia and the queen in the future. We want you to know that we are not forcing you to do this. Both of you have a choice to break the engagement when the time comes that you change your mind." Kyle asked again.

Everyone was quiet, waiting for Alira's response.

"Yes, I agree." She answered in a soft voice.

"Then, it's settled. We'll have an engagement party tomorrow night." Kyle answered lively.

"W-Wait!" I exclaimed.

They looked at me with a frown on their faces. I couldn't just allow something like this. I need to set at least a limitation between the kids.

"I will agree with your crazy idea. But, after all of this, you are not allowed to see each other until you both reach eighteen." I firmly said.
