Let's break up

"So, care to explain why you're here?" I asked, looking at Caden.

We went to my residence in Golden Oak. My mother owned the fourth floor when they were young, while the top floor, which our dad previously owned, now belonged to Lucas.

"Is there another reason why I'm here? Isn't it obvious that I came for you?" He answered.

After hearing nothing from him for years, I couldn't believe that he would show up in front of me like someone who had authority over me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

We were seated on the couch, and he was sitting across from me. I saw him frown, and somehow his face had a dark expression.

"Why do you have to ask? I came to get you."

"What? After twelve years, you'll come here to get me? Are you kidding me?" I exclaimed.

"Why would I joke about that? Look, I'm sorry for not contacting you for a long time. But that doesn't change anything; you are still my fiancé." He answered.