Side Story - Kyle and Emily (Interview)

I opened my eyes and I felt really exhausted. I can't even remember how many times we made love.

My whole body aches all over. My back was aching so bad and it's the same with my legs and thighs. 

I looked at the other side of the bed and saw Kyle, sleeping peacefully. I scooched over to him and I felt his hand hugging me tighter.

"Good morning, my queen." He greeted me with a wide smile on his face.

"Good morning." I smiled back at him.

"We have an appointment with your doctor at ten. What time is it?" He asked.

I yawned before checking the time.

"It's seven in the morning. I'll cook for you." I said.

I was about to stand up when he grabbed me by the waist.

"Let's eat outside. I know you're tired. You can cook for me anytime. I will tell the chef in the palace that my queen can cook my meals anytime she wants." He said.