I'm Here

Peggy POV

Jayden didn't seem surprised, but he didn't say a word either. He stared at me and sighed. Then he stood up and sat down on his side of the bed.

"I know. Three men broke into the house that day. I heard your parents talking about it, and your dad said that he only caught two of them. He wasn't sure who the other man was. The one who was supposed to go on that day somehow ended up not going. Matthew already suspected that it was Benjamin because of the tattoo." Jayden said.

I was worried that he might snap and switch to one of his personalities, but he seemed okay. I stood and sat beside him, leaning my head to his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"I don't want you to worry about me. You already had a lot in your mind." He said.

"I hope we find him so we can move forward. We'll be returning home the day after tomorrow. Dad and mom wanted to stay here with Caden so at least I could be at ease."