[R18] New Memory

I was unable to avoid his kiss, but why would I? He's my husband and I wanted it to happen. I missed him so much that I wanted him to fuck me in any way he wanted.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his head to deepen our kiss. I slid my tongue inside his mouth, encircling it around to savor the wetness of it.

My heart pounded as I get too excited when I felt his one hand grab my butt. His other hand lifted my skirt and brushed his palms slowly into my thighs.

He pulled my underwear down and I moaned when I felt his finger rubbed my clit. He then stopped kissing me to stare into my eyes.

"What do you want, Margaret?" He asked in a ragged voice.

"I-I want you." I stuttered.

My knees felt weak because of the sensation when he didn't stop rubbing my clit. I was panting and I could feel the warmth of my breath while staring at him.

"Tell me exactly what you want? Say it, Margaret."