In The Hands Of The Enemy

Jayden POV

"We should get out of here. He would take us and might threaten my brother to give up the throne. Caden would be in danger!" Peggy panicked.

I knew she was scared of what could her foster father do to us and Caden would not be an exception.

I felt her knees weaken and she was trembling from fear. I didn't want to see her like that. I wanted her to feel safe. She always looked anxious because we couldn't find her foster father. We couldn't even find a trace of that man. He just vanished right after the incident in Flousia.

Peggy turned to me with a worried face.

"Calm down, Peg." I said.

"How can I calm down knowing that Jonathan—"

I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to comfort her. But it didn't help. Her whole body was trembling. I didn't want to leave her, but before I came to Willow Green, I already made up my mind.

"I'm sorry, love. I know that you would get mad at me for doing this. Don't look for me."