
Peggy POV

I was looking at the phone in Luke's hand. It didn't stop ringing even though we ignored it a few times.

"Should I answer it?" I asked.

"Well, they put it in your bag so I think the call is for you." Andrew commented.

I nodded and took the phone from Luke's hands to answer it.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked.

There was a long silence on the other line before I heard a man's voice.

"Hello, princess."

The tone was cold but clear, making my heart beat fast. I became anxious when I felt the chills run through my spine.

"Who are you? And how did you put this phone in my bag?" I asked.

The man chuckled. "It doesn't matter how. What matters now is your husband's life."

I felt like my heart would burst to hear those words from the man with a cold tone. I didn't feel a thing when I bit my lip to stop it from trembling.

"I'm listening." I said.

"You can put it on speaker." He said and so I did.