Back Into Her Arms

Peggy POV 

I waited as Luke and the others instructed. I wanted to come to Jayden, but they asked me to stay.

Alora and the others begged me to stay and wait for Jayden. I know it was for my sake and Caden's. In case something happened to Jayden, I must stay alive for my son.

"It's been an hour. Why didn't they tell us anything? We promised to communicate." I was frantic and worried when we didn't receive a word from the others.

I know it wasn't just me. My friends were also waiting for their partners, but they were calm and patiently waiting.

"Peggy, stop it. Trust them. Everything will be okay." Sophie said.

And then the door opened, Luke entered the room, followed by Andrew and then Percy. They stared at me blankly, making my heart pounded fast.

"J-Jayden. Where is he?"

I was beginning to lose hope when behind a man with a scar, Jayden slowly walked inside. My tears fell when I saw him.