

After few minutes, Neha stealthily got out of the washroom and made sure Armaan was consumed in his talks.

She crept near the bar and entered the door.

Blue and red disco lights danced in the room, with the beat of the loud, deafening music.

It was just 4pm but people were crowding and partying like it was midnight.

She made her way through the dancing crowd, towards the bar counter.

She sat on of the chairs and watched as people danced.

"What would you like to have madam?" The bartender asked.

"A lemon juice?" She said, awkwardly.

The bartender gave a pity look at her and nodded.

She felt awkward "Who the hell orders a lemon juice in bars? Me, ONLY ME" she scolded her selves.

She didn't want to drink.  She had to be sober for this.

Suddenly another bartender came to her and said "Ma'am" he brought a glass of red wine, "Compliments from that man" he pointed towards a seat, far left from her.

She looked over to see a man, probably in his early thirties, smiling at her.

He was wearing a black shirt with black pants and shoes "Looks like a mafia" she thought to herself.

He raised his glass to her and she nodded smiling

The man came near her and sat down beside her.

"You're here alone?" He asked.

She knew her plan was working right then.

She nodded and sipped on the wine.

It's been a really long time she drank anything alcoholic, so when she swallowed the wine, her throat burned, giving her stinging sensation in the back of her tongue.

She smiled at him and looked at the crowd dancing. Girls and boys rubbing on each other, some dancing freely, some wild.

"Wanna dance?" She asked him.

The man was quite surprised by her behavior, for she didn't even knew his name.

She was asking a complete stranger to dance with her.

She held his hands and dragged him towards the dance floor.

She came closer to the man, even though she felt uneasy.

The man held her by waist and they danced.

That was a very bold move from Neha's side.

Even she didn't know from where did the courage for all this came from.

But, sometimes, courage comes from the fear of the unknown.

She wasn't comfortable from all this, but she wanted to show Armaan what she was capable of.

She wanted to misbehave.

She turned her back towards the man, her hips touching him.

The man, held her by her stomach, and they continued.

Meanwhile, Armaan was almost done with the meeting.

He was fidgeting, since he lost his eye on Neha.

"So Armaan, I think we should head out. You should join the Mrs. With exploring" They all laughed and walked off.

When they left, Armaan took out his phone and called Neha.

That's when he realized, she doesn't have an international sim.

He face palmed "She tricked me…"

He got up "I'm not leaving her like that" he decided.

He went out of the restaurant "I should have kept an eye on her. Shit!"

He roamed around the hotel looking for her; the pool, gym, spa room, their room, the lobby, garden. She was nowhere to be seen. He was tired and ireful.

He got inside the restaurant again and decided to ask the employees.

He showed her photo asked them if anyone had seen her.

"No sir" All of them answered. expect one employee…

"Yea, I think I saw her entering the bar" he said, pointing towards the bar.

"Bar?"  he was confused.

"Thankyou!" he replied and ran towards the bar and bashed open the door.

There were swarm of people dancing, grinding and drinking.

He made his way towards the counter and tried to locate Neha.

He saw a girl, her back faced to him, dancing with a man, her hands all over him and his hands on her hips.

At that instant he knew it was Neha.

Her black dress and her heels, made him recognize her faster.

Neha turned around, few strands of hair on her face as she danced with the unknown man.

Her eyes were closed as she danced with the rhythm.

She opened her eyes to see Armaan standing, straight ahead of her, anger in his bloodshot eyes.

She stiffened a bit, but she continued to do whatever she was doing, her hands all over the man.

Armaan took strong, angry and fast steps towards her.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" he caught her by her arms and pulled her to him.

She pushed him away, "Misbehaving…" she replied, looking at him straight in the eye.

He was shocked and wrath filled his mind.

She turned back to the confused man.

She put her hands on his shoulders, locking them behind his neck, and he stared at Armaan and back to her, his hands on her hips.

He caught her by arms again, making her break the contact from the man again.

This time, the man stepped up and asked Armaan "What's the matter?" he was annoyed.

Armaan stepped up to him, he was taller. "This is my wife, alright? Step back".

The man smiled to one side, smirking "Guess she wants me more than she wants you…"

Enraged Armaan looked at Neha who was standing there smiling, like she won the war "Listen, I don't want to create a scene here…So, please get going"

"Your wife wants things different though" The man said grinning again.

"I'll take care of it" Armaan said and turned to Neha.

Armaan was blinded by anger, "He said you want things different, I'll show you things 'differently'".

With that being said, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards somewhere

Neha tried to break free, but she couldn't, his grip was strong.

"Men's washroom?" Neha thought as she saw him heading to that direction.

Neha knew his intentions.

She tried to break free from him harder, but failed.

He entered into the empty washroom of the bar and threw her inside a toilet and closed the door behind him.

"You wanted it different, didn't you?" He grinned, his eyes livid.

Petrified Neha, slowly got up.

Armaan walked near her and turned her around and pulled up her skirt.

"What are you doing?" she screamed and turned back.

"I'll show it you bitch!" he screamed back and turned her again.

She again turned back and pushed him aside, towards the corner of the toilet.

She was horrified.

She tried to unlock the door.

But, quick on his feet, Armaan got up and grabbed her by the hair, "Don't you think you can escape me…" He pulled her closer towards him and dragged her towards the corner and shoved her down there.

She fell down and her head hit the wall.

Tears and fury filled her eyes.

He held her by hair again, and pulled her up.

Gathering all the power she had, she hit his stomach with her elbow.

"Oww!" He scrunched down in pain.

She held him by his coat and pushed him in the corner again.

He fell down and his head hit the marble toilet.

She unlocked the toilet and tried to run, but Armaan caught her by her heels.

She kicked him right on his cheeks.

She pulled out her heels and threw it on him and ran for the washroom door.

Fear makes us do dangerous things, and she realized it that day.

She could hear Armaan getting up.

She looked behind her, before getting out of the washroom.

Armaan was out, he was prepared to run behind her.

She was scared, and bleeding from her forehead.

Nobody in the crowd noticed it.

She ran for the bar door, when she was stopped by the unknown man, again.

"Your husband, did he go?" he winked at her.

She looked behind to see Armaan getting out of the washroom, he was stumbling, but fast.

"I don't know" she replied and pushed past the man.

He tried to stop her, but she slid into the crowd.

She ran, through the restaurant.

People stared at her, but didn't notice the bruises she had.

She ran outside the restaurant towards the elevator.

The elevator was on the third floor, she pressed the button for it to come down and waited and hoped for Armaan to not to come.

The elevator door opened and she heard a voice behind her, "Neha! Stop right there!"

She ran inside the elevator and pressed the 8th floor button.

She leaned on the wall on back of her, scared, heart pumping faster and faster as Armaan came running to stop the elevator door from closing.

Armaan arrived at the door.

But luckily, it closed before he came.

Neha didn't know what to do. All she knew was, this was going to be the end of her.

She was shaking, breathless.

She decided that she'll hide somewhere till he goes far from her to search and then call the police.

She was prepared.

After what happened today, she was ready to tell Mr. and Mrs. Oberoi about everything.

"Fuck!!" Armaan screamed as the elevator left the floor.

He decided to run through the stairs.

Neha reached the 8th floor.

She had to use a phone but she couldn't run to the lobby, it wasn't safe.

Suddenly, she recalled his phone wasn't with him while he left for the meeting.

Without wasting any time, she ran to their room and tried to find his phone.

She ran directly into the bedroom, it wasn't there.

She ran back to the living room, to find his phone kept in the couch.

Grabbing it quickly, she tried to unlock it.

She knew his password; she saw when he was unlocking his phone in the plane.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps towards the door.

Her heart stopped for a second "What should I do?"

She panicked.

That's when she noticed a small cupboard in the living room, with a small space underneath.

She lied down and squeezed herself under it, before hearing the door open and close shut.

Her heart was beating so hard that she could feel it coming out.

His footsteps neared her and she caught her breath, she was shaking and crying.

She covered her mouth, in order to make no sounds.

She could see his shoes. He walked past her hiding place and then towards the bedroom.

"Fuuucck!!" He screamed and she was startled by the sound.

He came out of the room.

She could see him walking up and down the living room.

She was waiting for him to leave the room so she could call someone for help.

Abruptly, he stopped in midst of walking.

She, stared at his shoes, wide eyed.

She saw him walk towards the door.

She heard him switching off the lights.

She let out a silent sigh.

When she heard the door close, without getting out of her place, she turned on his phone and typed in the password.

Before she could dial the number, she could see darkness on her side.

She held her breath and looked towards her right.

Two shoe less feet, facing her direction.

She gasped for air.

The feet went backwards.

 A face appeared before her, smiling.