[Guys, I don't know much about what made Kaguya fall in love with Miyuki, so I'll say it was his effort and such. This chapter has some crazy ideas of mine, you have been warned. Thanks for reading ;)]
It has been almost a week since Nicholas joined the student council, and I must say that my mind is confused, I know that I have feelings for Miyuki, but when Nicholas is beside me I feel so comfortable, I feel safe around him.
I know I can't develop feelings for Nicholas because he seems to be interested in Ai and she reciprocates, not to mention that I like Miyuki, but he is so kind and considerate that it makes me confused, I saw the same qualities in him, the qualities that made me develop felling for Miyuki.
Stopping my thoughts I see that I am in a dangerous zone and that I do not continue with those thoughts after all Ai is my friend and I'm sure Nicholas only sees me as a friend.
I got up from bed and came to the conclusion that Nicholas is just a friend.
Tomorrow is the day of my meeting with Ai, and that makes me very excited.
After leaving home I go to school, I feel that today will definitely be a good day.
Arriving at school I head towards the student council room.
"Good Morning." I spoke to the student council members after opening the door.
"Good Morning." It was the response I got from the board members.
"Are you in a good mood today Nicholas, did something happen?" Chika asks me.
"Nothing happened, I'm just excited." I replied to Chika while I sat on the couch.
While talking to Chika I noticed Kaguya looking at me occasionally, but I decided to ignore it.
After talking a little with Chika I got up and spoke.
"It is time for us to go to the classroom." I spoke looking at Kaguya.
"Let's go." Kaguya answered me and we left the student council room together.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked Kaguya.
"Like this?" Kaguya asked me back.
"You are a little distracted today, are you okay?" I asked with concern in my voice.
"I'm fine, thanks for worrying." Kaguya responded normally, but inside she was feeling very happy that I showed concern for her.
"If you say so, but if you have a problem, you can tell me, okay?" I spoke as I opened the classroom door.
"Good Morning." I said walking towards Ai.
"Good Morning." Ai spoke keeping the happy face that she does in public.
Ai and I this week got very close and when she is talking to me alone she shows me what she really is, I even managed to make her act more kindly and express herself closer to me, which makes me happy.
Ai and I talked until the teacher entered the room, after the teacher entered the room I went to sit in my chair.
Time passed very quickly and the break came and as I always did, I went up to the roof with Ai, this action became a tradition for me and Ai.
As we ate and talked Ai suddenly asked me.
"What will we do tomorrow?" She asked as she took a portion of my bento.
"Do you have any idea?" Instead of answering, I asked back, also taking some of her bento.
"I would like to go to the cinema." She said while still eating.
"I'm going to include that in the schedule." I replied absently, I was thinking about the schedule I made for the date.
"Did you make a schedule?" She asked stopping eating, turning to me.
"Of course." I responded as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
"After all, it's our first date, so I have to make a good impression, don't I?" I spoke with a smile.
"You are very shameless." Ai spoke with a small blush on her cheeks.
"But you like it." I teased a little more.
"If you keep talking nonsense, I will ignore you." Ai spoke, turning her face to hide her blush that deepened.
"Okay, but do you just want to include the cinema on our date?" I spoke changing the subject.
"I want to go shopping." She spoke as if she forgot the shame of a second ago.
"Purchases? I'll write it down." I replied with a smile.
Ai and I talked some more until it was time to go back to the classroom.
After we got back to the classroom, I realized that Kaguya was looking at me from time to time, but I decided to just ignore it.
After class ended, I accompanied Kaguya to the student council room.
"Miyuki-san would like to say that today I am leaving early because tomorrow I have a date and I would like to organize myself, okay?" I asked Miyuki that he was sitting reading some papers on student complaints.
After I talked about the date, both Kaguya and Chika who were in the room looked at me, but with different faces, Kaguya, who already knew about the date because Ai spoke, kept her face expressionless, but Chika who didn't know, asked me some questions.
"Meeting? To whom Nicholas? "
"Hm? It's with Ai Hayasaka from my class. " I replied to Chika when I saw her agitation.
After I answered, Chika plunged into her thoughts and stopped talking.
"Date? Yes, you can go, Nicholas-san. " Miyuki answered me after Chika stopped talking.
After thanking Miyuki, I said goodbye to the board members who were in the room and left.
Arriving home I see Alice sitting in the living room watching dramas on TV.
"Hi Alice." I greeted her as I sat down next to her.
"Hi Nick, you came back early today." Alice said seeing that I got home early.
"Well, I asked to leave early, after all I have a date tomorrow and I have to prepare, don't I?" I said looking at the TV.
"Aaaa, so is the date tomorrow, do you need help with something? "Alice asked me after taking a quick look at me.
"No need, I've already made a plan." I replied.
"What about business? Do you need help with something? " I changed the subject.
"The business? No need, they are doing very well. " Alice replied this time looking at the TV.
I've always left my business to Alice since she started being my secretary and she always did very well, that's what I saw in the memories of my old self.
Alice and I stopped talking, to pay attention to the drama that was on TV, the atmosphere between us was very harmonious.
After watching some TV, I went up to my room to prepare for tomorrow's date.