Shopping with a shopaholic in making

The recently united grandmother-granddaughter pair broke from the one-sided hug.

"I am so sorry, darling. You had it rough. But, you grew up into such a fine girl, that lady must have taken excellent care of you. She would be happy for you to have found your family."

Valeria had no response, and she refused to look at the expression of pity on the wrinkled face.

Helen stood up with grace and looked back down at her. She stretched her hand out for her to take. "Let's go inside. The rain has slowed, and it looks like it will stop soon enough.Your sister," There was an underlying emphasis on the last two words, "she must have gotten ready already. If she doesn't find you, she'll get scared something happened to you or scold like a mother. " There was a fond smile stretching her lips wide, Valeria observed, as she talked about Roxana on the way to the main door.

As they reached, they found no one standing there in wait.

Just then, a pair of feet flew towards them.

"You take a long time to dress-up." Valeria commented.

"I so do not!" Roxana denied while catching her breath. "I am a woman and it's normal if I take some minutes extra to clean up myself properly. Look at me. " She spread her arms and then brought them to her hips in a pose. " Do you have any complaints?" She challenged.

Roxana wore a midnight blue dungaree skirt that contrasted well against her ivory fair skin like white jade and a light blue half sleeved t-shirt inside that had subtle patterns on it, which went well together with the outer layer and completed the outfit.

"That took, that long?" Valeria was truly surprised how the simple, yet stylish look could have taken so much time. "And I thought you said teen inside just now." She reminded.

"A teen girl is a growing woman."

"More like growing into a woman."

Roxana's eyes crossed, and jaws slackened, forming a derp expression. "Let's just go and I'll teach you all about fashion at the mall."

Helen clapped her hands, gaining their attention successfully. "Now girls, I think you should get moving if you want to get back home on time."

Roxana snapped at that and took a hold of Valeria's wrist before the latter could complain and dragged her to the car, bidding farewell to their grandmother.

"Right, bye granny!"

Helen waved after her granddaughters with an amused face.

Roxana's animated chattering continued the entire car ride, while Valeria contributed to the one-sided conversation with silence, never speaking a single word in the car.

When Roxana noted this she asked in a sarcastic voice, "Why don't you just shut-up?"

Valeria turned away from the window, which she was looking out of, to look at her other side and gave her a quizzical stare.

"Your silence is rude. Here I am trying to make conversation and you don't speak at all. Did you even listen to what I said?" Roxana crossed her arms across her chest and showed her dismay on her face.

"Yes. I just don't feel like talking, especially as I have nothing to say. So, I listened to you. Your voice is pleasant, by the way." Valeria talked straight-forward.

Roxana's eyes widened. "Really? Awe!" She teasingly made suggestive gestures to her sister, raising her eyebrows, brushing their shoulders together and winked both her eyes.

"You complimented me." Roxana got crazily pumped up, forgetting her displeasure from before completely .

Valeria let out a low chuckle, "You're so strange." This sister of hers was really a phenomenal being to explore.

"You'll get along well with my friend. She talks a lot too, just like you and loves make-up and dressing-up."

Roxana's interested got piqued by this. "Really? You sound very close to this friend. Did you have many back at the- uh" She paused in between and bit her bottom lip. She had misspoke. Now the guilt was back, tugging at her heartstrings.

Valeria understood what she was trying to ask. She felt she needed to clarify some things. This girl she met just the day before was not so bad after all, as she had thought she would be before meeting her.

"Orphanage? You don't have to toe around me all the time in fear of offending me. Nor do you have to look so guilty. You didn't have a hand in what happened to you and me. You're a victim just as much as I am."

Roxana's lips trembled, and her eyes grew teary. She pounced on the red-head with no prior warning.

Valeria had expected this. Apparently everyone in this family enjoyed hugging very much. And got emotional, so often, so easily.

So, for the first time, she hugged back. Slowly, she rubbed Roxana's back to calm the sobbing girl. "There, there. Don't rub your snot on my clothes." She didn't know how to soothe a crying person.

Roxana lightly slapped her shoulder before moving away.

"You're a bad girl. " She pouted, her eyes slightly red. It felt good to let go of some negative feelings.

"And you're a good crybaby." Valeria teased, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

Roxana gave a warm smile, "Let's get to know each other well, sister."

Overwhelmed, Valeria calmed the rising emotions within her. She nodded, repeating what Roxana said, "Let's get to know each other well, sister."

"So, you were going to tell me about your friends back at the–orphanage." Roxana spat out the last word with a bit of difficulty.

"Was I?"

"Come on ... I want to know!" Roxana whined. She brought her chin to rest on her fisted hand, keeping her eyes locked on Valeria.

"Days back at the orphanage were some days dull, some days eventful. I have two-best friends who have been through-" She was going to say hell but stopped herself in time, "thick and thin with me together. And there is a fourth member we found for our gang at the public school. They are all unique with their distinct quirks and special talents, and we make an excellent team."

Valeria turned to stare out the window wistfully.

"You must miss them." Roxana understood. She had a best-friend, the only staunch friend amidst the young boot-lickers filled at her school. Being the young mistress of the Beaufort family raised her status higher than the other spoiled, rich brats. Being a talented and the most beautiful girl in school also contributed to her popularity.

School was hard because of her heartless peers, yet Roxana was happy to have at least one good friend. And now she was even more grateful because she got a sister. They were still bonding, but she knew she and Valeria would make a dynamic duo.

The dark-colored, armored bullet-proof Mercedes pulled up at the front entrance of the mall.

Before the driver could say anything, Roxana jumped in her seat.

"We're here, " she said, more like shouted.

A bulky figure suddenly opened the car door, and the girls climbed out one-by-one.

Roxana sighed helplessly while Valeria studied the six bodyguards standing before them.

She remembered how Roxana had described these bulgy, muscular men back at home in Julian's study. But a question weighed heavily on her mind as she tried to make sense of that statement.

'What is a hulk?'

The car which dropped them off already drove off to be parked in the basement parking space of the mall.

"Is there really a need for so many of you to come with us?" Roxana asked the men who stood sternly before them in their all-black uniform. She felt uncomfortable from all the stares they were receiving.

Valeria disliked the unwelcome attention, as well. She knew there was no need for these men to protect them. But she couldn't openly say it, not now.

One man came forward and spoke in his gruff voice, "Yes, young miss. Sir's orders."

"Then stay far away and blend well." Roxana issued her order and beckoned Valeria to follow her after dismissing the lot.

Through the main entrance, the two girls went inside the gigantic mall.

After thorough security checks they stepped further inside and upon seeing the wide area of polished marble and shining glass filled with lights, decorations, big expensive looking shops and well-dressed shoppers, Valeria felt this was a vastly different world she had entered.

The only markets she had ever visited before was the downtown market on the commoner's poorer side of the city.

"This is the best mall in Starlake City. 'White pearl Mall'- Isn't the name just as dazzling as the mall is grand?" Roxana asked, excitement making her emerald eyes shine brighter.

"Sure," Valeria answered coolly.

Two attendants, a man and a woman donning a white and blue attractive uniform, came to them out of nowhere.

"Good afternoon, miss. Welcome back to 'White Pearl'. This is Kasha and I am Dan- We'll be your attendants for today, at your service." The young, thin man greeted and introduced himself and his partner.

"Hello, " Roxana greeted. She didn't seem surprised by their arrival, rather she already expected them.

Valeria only observed not saying anything, and Roxana instructed the two young attendants to follow them.

Wherever the eager Roxana pulled her, Valeria would comply by letting herself get dragged to the various big stores- both in name and size.

They shopped for casual clothes, formal clothes, nightwear, and dressing gowns. High-heels, low-heels, boots, sneakers, comfy loafers and domestic slippers. A few everyday necessities, accessories and cosmetic products.

The variety in designs and styles and the top-notch quality and the impeccable service impressed Valeria, but the prices astounded her.

They were ridiculously high.

She learned Roxana preferred glittering, girlish styles in clothing, which screamed noble princess.

She herself inclined towards a more cool and comfortable style of clothes.

Valeria also liked some of the sophisticated, more elegant types of dresses, especially those that came in pink.

"Wow! You look so pretty!" Roxana exclaimed when she saw Valeria come out of the dressing room in a particular pastel pink short dress, which was sleeveless with a slightly plunging neckline. Nothing too erotic or showy. Neatly folded skirt with no other details, simple and sober.

Valeria had tied her hair in a bun and she looked beautiful, but she kept tugging the skirt down for some reason.

"What do you think?" Roxana asked Valeria.

"It's nice, short though." Valeria didn't sound too hype about it, in contrast to how Roxana had thought she would react.

Suddenly understanding flooded her mind and, trying to look stern, Roxana placed her hands on her hips and looked at her sister with a fierce glare. "Girl, did you check out the price tag again when I told you specifically around about six times not to check the price tag?"

Valeria passed a sheepish smile. Another first for her.

Roxana fished her pockets for cute blue, frozen wallet and took out a golden card.

"You see this? This is dad's card. He is your father. Think of it as all the money that you would have spent in the past years had you lived with him. Don't hold back and shy away from spending as much as you want!" Roxana urged her with an impish cheer.

'Well, since when did I be formal or caring for anyone or anything.'

"Alright. This one it is." Valeria held the skirt of her dress and twirled to give Roxana a 360 degree view. "How much longer now? Is a shopping trip really this long?"

Roxana gasped, horrified, "Long? We have just started. You're tired after only seven shops? We only got four hours to shop today and only an hour and a half is left. We have to hurry. There are so many more shops to see. Though we may not visit all of them due to time restriction so I'll keep in mind those that we can visit on our next trip." She planned seriously. While this time it was Valeria, whose jaw dropped in horror.

"Next time?"

Valeria turned to look at the attendants standing at the side, each alone carrying five to six full ly laden heavy bags. Their exhaustion was visible, however hard they tried not to let it show.

Her head dropped low, and a helpless sigh escaped.

"Whatever you say." Roxana, whose sight seemed to have locked onto something precious, ignored her low mumble.

She walked sharply towards a section in the store, making Valeria follow her curiously.

"Look at this dress, it's absolutely stunning! Almost as if made for you, Valeria. We are so getting this!"

Before Valeria could see the dress which made glitter pool in her sister's eyes, a rude voice interrupted them.

"Not you, but I am going to get that dress."