A beautiful white building in the middle of a city. Fitting perfectly with the other tall skyscrapers, creating a perfect peaceful image of an ideal metropolis. But on the contrary, within the building were a mess that has been ongoing for the last few hours.

Knuckleduster's crash into the highway last night has served itself as a piece of interesting morning news. Of course with his identity hidden.

Strange crimes and accident is no stranger to the city of Musutafu or the world in general. As long it has no direct impact or a threat, the city is at ease with no mass hysteria or the sort. They have complete faith in the Heroes.

But for the Hero Public Safety Commission, it is something of concern.

An unknown monstrous quirk that has the strength to force one of their few recognised vigilantes to retire. Knuckleduster suffers the destruction of his two arms and paralysis from the neck down. Most injuries can be recovered, but even then, he needs at least 1 year to be a functional human again, with therapy and surgery on the side.

But the most fearful thing is, is the first statement Knuckleduster said when he regained consciousness,

"I'm alive due to his sympathy. Heh."

Before fainting again.

You have to understand, even though he is a quirkless vigilante now, he used to be a hero. So his physicality was above the standard of a civilian while being the norm of the Heroes. In fact, he is above average among Heroes too. His being injured this easily and badly, means more than half of all the Heroes, including some in the top 10, will suffer the same consequences.

An unknown quirk that is not registered under the government, with its only information being overwhelming strength. Motive is unknown, identity is unknown, the user is unknown. And only having few Heroes that could take him down, including All Might and Ryukyu.

They have spent the last few hours trying to trace his identity as well as the location of a missing child with a strong quirk. Many years ago, such kidnapping is very common, knowing that All for One could steal quirks. But it has been a few years now, and All for One was critically injured. But you can never be too sure.

"Call up Mr All Might and send him this news. And send messages to all Hero agencies to be aware of any kidnapping and the monster. Do not attack or engage, but evacuate immediately and civilians if any."

It was a busy day for the Hero Public Safety Commission.


Ichiji woke up to a white space. A familiar white space. He's been having this dream ever since he was created 6 years ago. At least once a month.

He seats down on nothing and waits patiently, and like clockwork, he started hearing voices. Talking at him, screaming at him and some were just sobbing. These voices belong to the previous owners of his body parts.

Listening, he can hear some threats and some advice as well as that there was lesser voice since the last time.

"Don't you dare betray Master!"

"Be loyal!"

"He's our saviour!"

"Run, RUN!"


Then a booming voice went through his ear. This voice was significantly stronger than the others. There is also a sense of superiority in his voice.

It was always the strongest since day 1. It's strange but that male voice was like a parent to Ichiji, giving the proper guidance and shaping his heart.

But this is the first time the voice sound stern.


A question mark appears around his head. Ichiji has no idea who is this All for One. But to have his 'parent' sound so desperate and firm, he kept it in mind.


Ichiji looked up and widen his eyes.

And he sees his dirty ceiling.

Ichiji sighed. And scratch his head, etching the advice into his memory.

'Don't trust...'

He notices pressure on his stomach and got up slowly. It was a monster hopping on his stomach. And there was another one just walking around his room.

2 ugly small and brain dead Nomus.

Johnny and Mocha.

They were Ichiji's only two friends, to be exact his pet. Even though they act like robots to others, they are very friendly toward him. Maybe because he is the first Nomu.

But that was not the only thing he felt, there was one more present.

"2 Days in a row? Maybe it's the end of the world."

"Come along now."

Kurogiri ignored his remark. And tossed him a white button-up shirt, grey pants and a pair of slippers. Ichiji shrugged and stretched, then wordlessly put on these new clothes.



Ichiji picked up Mocha and Johnny and send them back to doctor Garaki before leaving together with Kurogiri. They appeared at a warehouse and was greeted by a familiar trio playing cards. It was the same one as last night.

"Got any 8s?"

"Nope, go fish."

"Yeah, go fish."


They were too engrossed to notice the two Nomus. Or the big warp appearing out of nowhere. Kurogiri coughed lightly to alert them.

It seems that they were still shaky as one of the men dropped his cards while the woman point her cards at them. The last man tried to pull out his knife but dropped accidentally dropped it, so he just raise his hands in surrender.

Kurogiri may have no face but even Ichiji felt that he was having a deadpanned expression.

Noticing that it was only Kurogiri and Ichiji, they visibly relaxed and coughed awkwardly before greeting them.

"""Good Morning, Mr Kurogiri!"""

"And uh?"


"Good Morning Mr Ichiji"

""Good Morning Mr Ichiji!!""

Facing them, Ichiji noticed that the two men were twins, the difference is that one of them has an eyepatch and are also clearly siblings as all three have dark purple hair. The two men have a messy hairstyle, while the woman has a bob cut, with one of her eyes covered by her bangs

"Do you have him?"

"Uh yes, he was rowdy this morning, so we gave him a gameBoi to play with."

Kurogiri nodded and walked toward a direction expecting Ichiji to follow behind. But before that, Ichiji asked,

"So who are you?"

The one with the eyepatch, clearly the leader among the three answers first.

"Shujinko Shounenka, honour to meet you, sir!"


The other twin,

"Shuyo Shounenka! Sir!"

"Pfft, ha. *cough*"

And the lady,

"Kihon Shounenka! Hi...no Sir!"

"Hahahahahahahahahha!! What's happening to me? Hahaha, I can't breathe."

Ichiji held his stomach on was on his knees. Laughing. First time Laughing. It was ironic and so literal.

He starts coughing in between his giggles while the three siblings look to the side. Not the first time.

"Uh, would you like to hear our quirk?"

"*cough* sorry, go on."

" uh, my quirk is increasing strength that depends on how much trust is put into me. Shuyo get faster depending on how many friends he has, Kihon think faster depending on how many friends she has"




Kurogiri clicked his tongue as he watched, Ichiji dirty his clothes, rolling on the floor laughing. Having no choice, he dragged him away toward he was originally going.


Watching Ichiji getting dragged away, the sibling looked at each other and nodded.

"He's nicer than I thought."

"Umu, he looks and sounds friendly."

The trio still remembers that the man that was laughing at them was the monster yesterday. They subconsciously shiver and return to their card game.

Shuffling the deck, Kihon ask her brothers,

"Hey, can we stop doing this after this? Kidnapping a child hurt my heart."

Shujinko smiled sadly and pat her back, comforting her alongside Shuyo,

"Okay, let's stop this. We still got one more mission, after we collect our money, let's start living legally. Okay?"

"Yeah, we're not like those guys just now. We don't do evil deeds because we want to. The fucking H.P.S.C forced us. Corrupted shit. I bet they don't even flinch-"

They suddenly hear Ichiji's shouting.