Curses, insults and many more came at him. The many voices continue, eventually becoming one. Those who were against and those who followed All for One had agreed. Giving the same advice,




Yes, their advice was for Ichiji to commit suicide. One thing is for sure, all of the previous owners oppose his actions. Perhaps out of disgust or maybe out of fear? Who knows?

But he waited. He knows the voice will pass eventually. A pleasant surprise though, he felt that the voices has lessened again. Ichiji estimate that there are about 6 irrelevant voices now.

It took 6 years for 16 voices to turn to 6. So 2-3 more years before it is gone.

Slowly, he felt the voices get softer and await for 'him' to 'arrive'. The voice, start with a question that has no emotion in it,

"So...26. You have killed 26. I don't care whether it was direct or not. How do you feel?"

Ichiji lowered his head subconsciously like a child getting scolded. He wasn't proud of it, he didn't even feel 'right' despite knowing, he didn't do wrong either. As if reading his thought, the voice continues,

"So you still feel guilty? That's good. It's one of the good things that make us human, never forget that feeling. I recognize that what you doing is going to be the right thing.

Back then, society wasn't like this, perhaps we were too distracted by All for One and had no choice but to unite."

The voice sounded tired and disappointed, not at him at least. However, Ichiji's attention was caught by some of his words. The gears in his brain began to turn before getting cut off by the voice.

"Your path will be quite a bloody one. Many lives could be destroyed. I wouldn't say what's obvious to you, but I just want to know, to never feel that killing is normal. It is a choice, but not the only one. Always try to make the right choice."

Ichiji nod in understanding. Perhaps in the future, but right now he doesn't have the luxury to solve problems peacefully. Ichiji thought it was over when the voice came again.

"Something serious is coming."

The voice usually never last that long. It seems to be 5 minutes max. Perhaps the voice was able to buy enough time? But the point is, he should focus now.

"Haha look at your face."

Confusion appears on Ichiji's face. He didn't know the voice well enough, but he felt that that was out of character. As the laughter continued, Ichiji became even more confused. The laugh eventually turns into a coughing fit.

"*cough* Nah seriously though, something serious is going to happen. As much as you like to act, you're being too silent. You may fool Garaki but not that bastard."

"But why now?"

For the first time, Ichiji spoke in this realm. The voice didn't seem surprised and explain,

"Because your actions may cause some heat. Your previous actions as a group have been small cases, but this fire, or what's left is bringing wave to the city. Especially the fact an abandoned building disappear just like that.

I think it's natural for the guards to tighten around you. All of One is a cautious man even if he doesn't take you seriously. He will try to find if there is any connection."

"That...is a bit far-fetched don't you think?"

"Did you forget? You can produce fire too, and your Warping too. An unnatural and random fire and a missing building. That's enough of a connection, no?"

The reality dawn on Ichiji. He was careless. Ichiji felt cornered, with All for One on one side and Overhaul potentially on the other one.

As he begins thinking, suddenly Ichiji found himself awake. But it makes sense, the voice was only there to give advice and point out some details or problems. The thinking is left to him.

Getting off the ground, he heard movement on the other side. Ichiji looks at his only window and sees that the sun hasn't risen yet, concluding that Doctor Garaki was just leaving his breakfast.

Once the footsteps went away, Ichiji took his breakfast. Today it is a French loaf. He took a bite, and chew softly, leaning against the wall. He was trying to think of the solutions to his problems.

'Well, first of all, is the news already out?'


The beautiful Reporter spoke with awe as smoke continue to rise on the land behind her. On the contrary, quite a few yellow leaves had begun dropping on the ground.

"Scientists will begin to travel here in a few days to investigate this mysterious land. The viewers at home may not realize this, but the temperature is incredibly high!"

The beauty wipes her neck with a napkin, for sure to be fanservice for many watchers. But to a particular watcher, he felt slight impatience.

"Anyway, the once big factory here is still a mystery as you can see right behind me are only trees. Can you believe it? The police suggest that this may be a literal property thief. Haha, so do keep a lookout for the missing building."

As she continues to speak, All for One stops paying attention. And made a call to a certain scientist on his computer.

It only rang once and it was immediately picked up. Revealing a smiling Doctor Garaki, it's as if the old man was possessed by a Golden Retriever.

Before the guy could verbally lick his feet, All for One question immediately,

"What is he doing?

It took Doctor Garaki a second before a look of disgust invade his face to his once proudest son. Remembering that he is still talking with his master, a look of pride came as he say with confidence,

"Don't worry about a thing, there's a tracker in him and his phone is connected to mine. He hasn't really done much except talk about his foolish ideas with his companions. He's been still like months ago.

And if he does do anything, my children, Johnny and Mocha will tell me."

All for One listen to him with boredom. He believes that Doctor Garaki is truly a genius in the science department, but not so much everywhere else. If Ichiji could trick him for years, what stops him from doing it again?

"Did you see the recent news?"

"About the Hero sex scandal? Oh, you mean the fire and the missing Factory. What about it?"



All for One keep a sigh between him and explain. After hearing it, Doctor Garaki gush about how he is a genius to his annoyance. All for One continued and told him to keep a tighter hold on Ichiji. Problem is, Doctor Garaki has the duty of creating new Nomus too so he asked,

"Will you perhaps be sending Kurogiri?"

".....Have the Shounenka siblings been agreeing with Ichiji?"

"Yes, master. It's right to say they are allies."

"Then, in that case, I'll send Kurogiri to spy on them while you keep an eye on Ichiji."

"Understood, I'll have Mocha keep an eye on him."

"I said YOU keep an eye on him."

Doctor Garaki smile froze as he realize his increasing workload. He let out a sigh and ask,

"So how long will this be?"

"Just a week."

Doctor Garaki sigh again and say his goodbye and stop the call. All for One on the other side make another call immediately. This time with Kurogiri.

As he made the call, All for One wonder,

'Did I underestimate you, Ichiji?"


Shujinko read the text on the group chat, and look up. Everyone was tense. He quickly packed up their belongings.

"Shuyo, Kihon! Let's go!"

His two siblings return back from shock and immediately help him. There were a set of orders made by Ichiji in the text as well as the context.

Stain and Dabi look at the rest of the underling and sternly tell them to listen. The 9 nodded in fear, while Eri look at the fear funnily. Though she is curious about what is going on.

Dabi surprisingly kneel at Eri's level and spoke to her gently.

"What? You're curious? Don't worry, they're just going out for a mission. Hey, hey, don't look so worried, your dad is coming tonight, you excited?"

Eri nod happily at Dabi. Stain on the other hand took advantage of it amd told the others,

"Yeah, what he said, Ichiji will tell you all what's going on too. For now, just live normally."


Stones and Review