Pirate’s Brood Order Chapter 15

The storage room is near the stern of the Via. It is full of empty wine barrels. There are black cotton wool in the gaps of the wine barrels, as well as miscellaneous junk and tools.

Yarlin helped the ship doctor to place the wine barrels with wooden boards and cotton wool on it. The two people lifted the three corpses together and carried them onto the bed one by one.

Looking at the three peaceful and pale faces, the ship doctor still felt the coolness on his back. He wiped the sweat all over his head, and was grateful for Yarlin who was eager to help him carry the "corpse".

Pirate is mostly a cool person, and it is such a weird thing, who wants to be infected with such a bad thing.

"Yarlin, thanks to you, otherwise, I won't be able to move by myself." The ship doctor looked at Yarlin, who looked as usual, and admired: "This guy is really brave."

If he knows that the "good-hearted person" standing in front of him is the so-called secret mastermind, I don't know how wonderful his expression will be.

"In short, if you feel uncomfortable in the future, come to me, and I will try my best to cure you." Yarlin's calm infection made the boat doctor feel less nervous, he The eyes lifted and looked towards the three who didn't know whether they should be called "corpses", and some dangerous thoughts slowly formed in their minds.

Curiosity kills the cat, let alone a moving corpse. For a doctor, even without a medical license, after the fear is overcome, the temptation is like a flood of floods. Out of control.

"Where, if it wasn't for the ship doctor's potion, I'm afraid I couldn't survive the last high fever at all, or the ship doctor saved my life." Yarlin scratched the back of the head, gratitude.

"Ah~haha, hahaha, that's it." The ship doctor was taken aback, and then showed a hearty smile, with a strange heart in his heart: "Potion, he doesn't really think it is the effect of the potion, right? , Then it is simply water with a little sugar. How could the stingy Captain Via be willing to give precious medicine to people who are dying."

"Are they still alive?" Yarlin pretended to be curious. He boldly touched the "corpse" and stared at the ship doctor with suspicious eyes, the sarcasm in his eyes flashed away.

When the fear retreated, curiosity grabbed the ship doctor's entire soul. He looked towards the "corpse" and his gaze became warm and affectionate, and his tone was even more chilling and weird: "It should be Stay alive, Yarlin, you go out first, I need to do a good job of research."

"Is this kind of crappy boat doctor also have this kind of hobby? This is really unexpectedly act recklessly." Yarlin sneered in his heart, glanced at his "work" sideways, and then left, leaving them temporarily to the ship doctor of the Via.

As soon as I left the house, I saw Fick who was hiding not far from the door rushing over to grab him and ran, "Yarlin, are you crazy? Go move those…"

Fick could not find the correct wording, Yarlin's face returned to coldness, neither too fast nor too slow spit out three words: "Living dead!"

"Yes, that's what it means." Fick cried out in surprise, and then he understood what he had come over, and said in a low and surprised tone: "You can see that Jack and the others are dead, but they can move, then you still move up… Strange, why the dead move. "

Fick's words are incoherent. After all, this is the first time the Via has encountered such unimaginable things.

"Fick, I can tell the difference between a dead person and a living person." Yarlin patted Fick on the shoulder and said with intriguing eyes: "Even if he can move, I will not admit it. He is a dead man, I'm just curious~~"

"Curious?" Fick accepted this explanation, although the curiosity in Yarlin's mouth was not the curiosity he imagined.

"By the way, you didn't come over to help you just now without loyalty. Are you afraid right?" Yarlin stared at Fick intently, with a narrow smile on his mouth.

"Just kidding, I'm afraid of Fick, I'm just…" Fick blushed and screamed, "I just happened to have a stomachache."

Via, the deathly depression in the chief officer's room, Lowe's low roar came intermittently.

"It's a dead person, definitely a dead person." Luo Wei stared at his palm with tears, he used this palm to touch the cold corpses, the cold temperature, and life The fingertips of human difference, the pulse with no fluctuations, as a senior Pirate of killing people like scything flax, even if he forgets the taste of a woman one day, he will be impossible to distinguish between the dead and the living.

"But, they were moving, we all saw it." Shaqili sat cross-legged by the door, his forehead dripping with cold sweat and his throat trembling.

"It's a dead man, I'll say it again!" Lowe stared at Shaqiri, like an angry bull with bloodshot eyes. The unknown fear made him a little crazy, especially in this important one. At this juncture, he would overinterpret any sign of danger, even more how is a terrifying change like this.

The suspicion is like a wet poisonous snake, biting every inch of his intellect frantically. What is left is the paranoid instinct-it is Via, it must be Via, and it can only be Wei Ya.

"Via did it!"

Rotti gritted his teeth, and every syllable revealed the killing intent of choosing someone to eat, which made his judgment sound like Such determination is determined to be vicious and "correct"!

Shakili, Gucci, and Gansivir looked at each other, and the brutal blood flowing within the body also began to boil, as if the name "Via" itself has a certain trait of attracting black , Allowing them to quickly put aside their internal doubts, and plant all their questions and answers tacitly on Roja's head.

"Can't wait any longer, I don't want to die suddenly one day unclearly." Lowe said bitterly.

"What shall we do?" The three of them were waiting for Lowe's instructions.

Rottwei paced back and forth in place, then suddenly walked to the door, opened the door and looked at the closed storage bin at the stern, but his voice was like a cold knife cutting bone: "Ship doctor!"

The sea breeze was cold, but couldn't move the eyes of the shady bird hidden under the brim of the hat. At the same time, in the captain's room, Via sat on the edge of the bed, looking straight through the door into the storage bin.

In the storage bin, the ship doctor didn't notice anything, as if he had been stunned, and wandered over the three naked corpses with an almost greedy look. He pinched left and pinched right. , Fuzzy mutter incantations in his mouth: "I know, you are a dead person, hey, you are a dead person, you can move…hehehe…"

"The body hasn't shown any signs of rigidity, but there is no pulse." The ship doctor swallowed vigorously and spit, then suddenly leaned down, his entire head pressed against Jack's chest.

It can be seen that when he maintains this action, the uncontrollable trembling of his face shows that he is a little nervous, but he has been listening overcoming his fear, which can explain the problem.

There was movement there firmly attracted him.

What is it?

In the chest of a dead man, what would it be?