Pirate’s Brood Order Chapter 80

"The Sea Territory of this World is divided by the Red Line continent and the Grand Line into four seas: East, West, South, and North. The first half of the great Grand Line is called "paradise". At present, the main forces of Marine Headquarters are concentrated Here; and the second half of the Grand Line is called'New World' and is ruled by the four most powerful Pirates in the world. These four Pirates are called Yonko."

"Marine Headquarters' power is mainly Anza on the Grand Line, maintaining law and order on the Grand Line in the name of absolute justice, behind which is ruled by the World Government, and the World Government is governed by more than 170 participating countries. The largest international organization formed by a solid alliance. It is known as the "world", dominates the entire world, and guards and controls the order of the judicial world. The headquarter is set up in the "Holy Land" Mariejois and is brought together by organizations such as Marine and CIPHERPOL (CP). China, obey the laws enacted by the World Government and maintain world order"

"There is also a force that is legally recognized by Marine, the seven Great Pirates, and they are called Oka Shichibukai."

"Marine Headquarters, Yonko, and Oka Shichibukai can be said to be the tri-polar power of the entire sea… This is really an unimaginable world pattern, and the biggest incentive for Pirate to fight against Marine, except for the opening of Gore·D·Roger In addition to the Great Age of Pirates, which created the base of Pirate terrifying, the other biggest factor is the most weird specialty of this World-Devil Fruit!"

Yarlin was sorting and analyzing the complicated information in his mind. His blue pupils are as deep as the sea. He slightly frowned and squinted. He licked his dry mouth and gently rubbed his eyelids with his right hand. If it were his confidant in the last life, he would know it. Something is causing Yarlin's intense curiosity and coveting.

He seems to have heard this term several times, but he has never had the opportunity to study it. This time he finally confirmed the attribute of this thing from a document issued by Marine Headquarters.

"The incarnation of the devil on the sea, after eating, you can get some kind of super power treasure! It can be roughly divided into three categories: Paramecia, Zoan and Logia."

"These Devil Fruit's Ability User, the strength has far surpasses the limit of human beings, and the strength between each other is also great. Some of the most powerful Ability Users can even be regarded as mobile "humanoid nuclear bombs", while the three Admirals of Marine Headquarters are all Logia's Ability User, on the other hand, is precisely because of this. Although the power of Marine overwhelms the Pirate of the trash fish on the bottom, the Pirate power on the high-end military force actually faintly overwhelms the Marine Headquarters."

"This kind of unscientific thing allows the advantage of Marine System to cultivate talents to be directly offset by Pirate's base number. After all, in terms of probability, the number of Pirates is there to get the Devil Fruit's There are more Ability Users, and each Devil Fruit is unique and unmatched. Although there is a certain regularity in its development and utilization, it still depends on the Ability User's own innate talent. !"

"To put it bluntly, in the development of Devil Fruit's ability, Marine and Pirate are at almost the same starting line, and then multiply each other by the base of each other… Fortunately, Yonko and Disharmony, most of Pirate's attributes are also chaotic and non-aligned. Otherwise, Marine may be able to withdraw from the stage of history."

"In this way, Marine's situation can also be regarded as internal trouble and outside aggression. On the one hand, the headquarters has weak control over the place, and there is a game of interest between each other; on the other hand, there are gaps and nastyness between Marine Headquarters and the World Government, coupled with the sudden emergence of the Revolutionary Army, and the existence of such a deformity as Shichibukai ...."

Yarlin has a preliminary understanding of the upper-level form of his power. Of course, these can only be hypotheses and inferences he has drawn from the information in newspapers and documents, not necessarily the end. It's all accurate, but he can already figure out his approximate position in this World.

Understanding the danger and horror of the big environment, and also aware of his own weakness and danger, Yarlin felt an immediate sense of urgency in his heart. The world outside is simply too dangerous, just the aftermath of a dangerous wave. Everyone might smash themselves to pieces, and the pace of development must be carried out. The only thing that needs to be guaranteed is the speed, the speed must be accelerated!

In this chaotic and disorderly era, maybe one day there will be sitting behind closed doors, and things that come from heaven will happen. He doesn't expect to be able to fight those humanoid nuclear bombs in a short time, but Aftermath, we must be able to protect ourselves from the aftermath. This is the bottom line.

There are many associations in my mind. Once he realizes that this World is so dangerous, Yarlin's heart becomes gloomy. He closes the newspaper and walks out of the document room, moving towards the dormitory all the way back.

Yarlin thought so in his heart, and then happened to run into Jacque on the road. He nodded to beckon Jacques to follow, and returned to the dormitory to fasten the door with his backhand.

Yarlin opened his mouth and asked Gago: "Is there a Devil Fruit Ability User in Marine 153 branch?"


Jake was stunned. He didn't understand why Yarlin would ask this question suddenly, but he still quickly replied: "No, this is just a Marine branch. It is still the weakest East Blue in the world. Legendary terrifying monsters should be all. Focus on the headquarters."

"en!" Yarlin feels a little more at ease. If there is an Ability User of Devil Fruit in the 153 branch, his entire plan will have to be adjusted.

"How are things going?" Yarlin poured himself a glass of water, and after drinking a sip he eased his emotions, restored his usual calm and looked at Jago.

"The entire 153Marine branch has been squeezed out. There are about 30 unhappy Marines. I am contacting them one by one, trying to get closer to them. Because I am also of the same kind, I get in touch. It's not difficult, we can easily resonate with each other." Gago's face replied with joy.

"Well, to speed up the progress, you can organize some private activities, such as gathering them in a small area, and talking about each other's anger. After holding this a few times, you will naturally join together. Formed a community-like organization, and then, you are giving some hints and guidance to completely mobilize their inner dissatisfaction and resentment towards the upper-level officers of Marine 153 branch." Yarlin said coldly: "It is necessary to bury a little bit in their hearts. Seeds of resistance and struggle!"

Jagku felt the aura of danger. He realized that what Yarlin would do next might be terrifying, but he was still nodded.