Pirate’s Brood Order

The full knitting of Marine 153 branch is 1000 Marines, of which the composition is roughly 970 soldiers and 30 non-commissioned officers, the ratio is about 1:30, that is, 1 non-commissioned officer belongs to 30 soldiers.

Officers above the school level need to report to the headquarters for approval, which means that the appointment of school-level officers will be strictly kept in Marine Headquarters. This file is not like the cannon fodder at the bottom is just a set of numbers. , But will record their identity information and personal history in detail.

Due to the lack of payment, Marine 153 branch is fully staffed in the headquarters file, but Yarlin actually counted in the past two days, Marine 153 branch base has a total of 644 Marines, even if you add The Marines belonging to the last two battleships on duty at sea are full of 100, and there is still a shortage of 256 Marines.

"256 people, of which 12 are vacant at the non-commissioned officer level (the original non-commissioned officer level was vacant, plus the missing and dead), and there are 244 Marine soldiers. This is the space we can operate." Yarlin agreed. On the statistics, he said to Helmeppo.

At this moment, the Marine 153 branch, Morgan Captain was in a coma, and the Sartoni Commander disappeared and died. The Ripa Commander was under the control of a Battleship at sea all year round, and there was one Commander left, which was sent out by Morgan Captain for annihilation earlier. A group of Pirates has not returned yet.

Major Marine Liquor applied for transfer and was assigned to serve on the Ripa Commander's Battleship. All the colonel-level officers in the entire base were absent. The only thing left was lieutenant-level non-commissioned officers. There was no daring to follow Helmeppo's hard bones against his teeth existed, so the entire Marine 153 branch became a word of Helmeppo.

"These are our people!"

Yarlin sampled a stack of Marine files, and after careful screening, 12 files were sampled and submitted to Helmeppo, indifferently said: "These 12 people can be promoted to non-commissioned officers to fill the vacant spots in the base."

Helmeppo did not hesitate. He fully trusted Yarlin's loyalty and ability. The only thing he needs to do is to act as a spokesperson for Morgan Captain. Then it is to make a humanoid stamper.

Some official members of Freemasonry including Fick, Jonitz, Jacques, Downer, etc. were promoted to the rank of second lieutenant, and the power within the base was quickly distributed.

The base recruits new recruits, trains new recruits, Marine's daily drills, internal order audits, logistics support and other important departments are all following Yarlin's opinions and Helmeppo has issued orders to send these new ensigns They are all inserted in, and are slowly pulling all the original Sirs out.

With this methodical progress, after two weeks, Marine 153 branch can be said to have fallen into the control of Yarlin to a certain extent. Of course, this process will cause some twists and turns and unpleasantness, but in Morgan Under Captain's year-round accumulation of power, Helmeppo pushed it hard, and all voices against complaints were suppressed.

In the past two weeks, the branch base, which was originally sparsely managed and loosely managed, was like being artificially tightened with screws, and the engine oil began to speed up its operation again.

All the veterans were regrouped and received rigorous training every day; all the subordinates assigned by a non-commissioned officer were abolished, and they were returned to the Sir Soldier's training for rigorous training; The original non-commissioned officer was naturally dissatisfied and complained, and a large part of the bottom-level soldier also did not adapt to this sudden acceleration of the training rhythm. Everyday all was exhausted and complained.

In this regard, Helmeppo was slightly worried, but Yarlin said that he turned a blind eye. He could complain because he did not have enough training. He ordered the noncommissioned officers to increase the amount of training. As expected, after a period of time, the soldier even had the strength to complain. No, but unconsciously, they have also gradually become accustomed to this boring tempering. All Marines are like being remade and labeled as discipline and obedience.

Marine 153 branch entered a completely closed environment. All Marines, including non-commissioned officers, were restricted from entering and exiting. All entry and exit must be approved by Helmeppo before they can be released.

At the same moment, new recruits are also continuously recruiting new recruits. Yarlin knows that those are members of the Brothers Club in Shelters. He needs to use the number of new recruits to dilute those The base of veterans.

He doesn't care about the popularity of these soldiers, including the veterans who have been re-trained. Yarlin also understands that a large part of them are still branded with heavy faction labels. These labels are not short-term fights. It can be completely cut off after reorganization.

Yarlin has no whimsical desire to gather all people's hearts. This is not what trifling training can do, but he can artificially create new recruits and veterans that are two naturally opposed groups, and bring those veterans Dissatisfaction and resentment are artificially transferred to the new recruit group and the new noncommissioned officer class to achieve a smooth transition for a period of time.

He does not need everyone to be one mind at this stage, he only needs to constantly weaken the power of the original non-commissioned rank's rule at this stage, making it difficult for everyone to be one mind.

Next, he has a way to use Marine's elimination mechanism to remove the unneeded ingredients from Marine 153 branch, and gradually temper the remaining ingredients into a firm imprint of his personal will. The collective.

"The elimination mechanism?" Helmeppo stared at Yarlin inexplicably.

"Marine's elimination of Pirate is a necessary duty and obligation. The Marine of the 153 branch should not be kept inside the base all the year round, but occasionally go out to perform the mission of eliminating Pirate, but should be maintained at a high frequency. Take the initiative to destroy Pirate, who is guarding the Sea Territory, and use this system to continuously remove the internal Marine soldier for tempering between life and death." Yarlin said coldly and said: "Knock out the weak, leave the powerhouse, and you can By the way, those who are not in harmony with us are perfectly screened out."

"No matter how many corpses are buried in this vast sea, it will never appear eye-catching, and no one will be able to Find out the problem." Yarlin continued to add: "Cut and remove the broken carrion, and continuously absorb fresh blood nutrients to grow, then every muscle and skeleton on the torso that tempering obtains will be completely absorbed by us. Control it."

Helmeppo understood what Yarlin meant. He didn't realize that for some reason he had to be confined to Morgan Captain's residence without leaving the house, and Yarlin, who took care of all the orders for him He has already placed his own tentacles in the various departments of Marine 153 branch, and once Yarlin completes this integration of elimination and screening, will the new whole retain his Helmeppo position?

(ps: I won't repeat the details of the intrigue in the integration of Marine forces. They are all pretty stuff, so I don't waste any space. The next thing is that Yarlin completely controls the Marine 153 branch, the brood. The whole body of "appeared on the stage, the expansion and radiation of the influence, and the map expanded, so, you know, the stage is set up, and the characters in the original book can appear one after another.)