Pirate’s Brood Order

In the twisted, terrifying, and creeping lair, everyone who has first seen will feel the shock of incomparable and the deepest malice that comes from the instinct of life.

Feeling the weird damp smell in the air, which is a weird smell mixed with mud, blood, and sea water, the four Fishman officials stared at the opening from under their feet in horror , The transformation chamber with a complete appearance, like a decayed coffin entangled by tree whiskers, giving people an evil and strange ominous feeling.

"What the hell is that?" Arlong's throat was dry. He saw that the lids of those "coffins" were opened, revealing the hideous dark structure inside, and strips of black screens were densely covered in the coffin. Physically, there are needles and scalpels of various sizes at the top of the sieve tube. The densely packed ones are creeping like a living thing, making the scalp numb.

Yarlin swept over the four Fishman, and the retina showed their respective swallowed and absorbed values. He swept away and took his gaze back, looking towards the transformation chamber. Annotated information emerged in his mind: transformation: dying The flesh and blood is transformed into his own servant, and strengthens the basic qualities of the servant himself. (Basic qualities refer to three-dimensional attributes, strength, agility, and physique.) The servant has simple thinking skills.

For prisoners without autonomy, Yarlin has no habit of wasting explanations. He just pointed his finger at a Fishman and said: "Go in!"

Similar to a lottery sorting, only But all the right to interpret lies in Yarlin's hands. Hachi was chosen by the first name, and his face turned pale with "shua".

"What?" Hachi was shocked, the muscles on his cheeks seemed to be stiff for an instant, his eyes stared straight at the opened transformation chamber, and he exclaimed, "No, I won't go in, you Kill me!"

Yarlin ignored Hachi's madness, jokes, where did he have the power to choose?

Two feet abruptly left the ground. Hachi, who was entangled in a rope like rice dumplings, was lifted off the ground by Jailer behind him, walked towards the transformation chamber and threw it in. Hachi's two rotten maggot arms were also caught together. Throw it in.

"You go in too!"

Yarlin points to a Fishman again, his cheeks nailed with iron clamps on his mouth lose all the blood on his cheeks, and his throat says "wu wu" With a muffled sound, Jailer picked it up and placed it in the transformation chamber. The whole person was attached to Hachi's body. The two men looked at each other in horror, seeing their trembling eyes from each other's eyes.

"Start to transform!"

Yarlin's voice fell, and under the terrifying gaze of Arlong and Kuroobi, I saw the clarinets who were about to entangle the bodies of Hachi and Chiu, countless The needle and the knife pierced into the muscle skeleton of the two people from all angles. Then, the door of the coffin was slowly closed, and the screams inside stopped abruptly, leaving only a kind of scissors cutting cloth, needle and thread The sound of sewing comes out, but the material is muscle, skeleton and blood vessels.

This is probably the longest period of Arlong and Kuroobi's life. Yarlin looked down at his watch. Just three minutes later, the coffin door was bounced open and a transparent tentacle was placed on it. You can directly see the transparent and viscous liquid flowing through the skin, while the surface of the skin is densely surrounded by thick suction cups. The suction cups are not round but flat and thick, which looks like a sheet. Closed lips.

One, two, three, four, five, six... Six tentacles are placed on the edge of the coffin, and then the whole person stands upright and steps out. The height is a little more than 2 meters, and the tentacles follow Walking around and swinging gently behind him.



Arlong and Kroo Obizi swallowed and spit.

"From now on, you will be called Liutiao!" Yarlin looked at the transformant in front of him, with grinning white teeth at the corners of his mouth. The situation was much better than he expected, at least there was no fusion of two heads. Weird species appeared.

Six Articles

Race: Fusion Modulation—Fishman-like clan.

Class: Rank 2 is excellent and cannot be evolved.

mental strength 3

nerve conduction rate 3

skeleton hardness 8

muscle activity 7

blood density Flow rate 17

"Yes, I'm called Liujo!" A dry and hoarse voice without a trace of mood swings, there is no emotional glance in Liujo's eyes to Arlong and Kuroobi, as if waiting for Yarlin The next step.

When the head is twisted, the back of the head of the shattered hair seems to be hidden in the position of the head. It is so dark that it makes people feel unwarranted. It is a hidden behind the hair. Eyes are open, watching the scene behind him indifferently.

"There is an eye on the back of the head, well, from a biological point of view, the eyes on the back are indeed more helpful for survival and fighting." Yarlin squinted at Arlong and Kuroobi, "put them both Go in and transform!"

The two tentacles stretched out instantly, entangled Arlong and Kuroobi like an octopus, and the lip-like suction cup fiercely adhered to the two of them, and their bodies became stiff and straight. , Motionless is sent to the conversion warehouse.

Three minutes passed.

The transformation chamber opened, and a burly and sturdy body that looked like a steel forged body came out from the inside. It was 4 meters high by visual inspection. The muscles of the whole body showed strange stripes, and the cold cold was revealed. Glow, as if it is not one after another muscle at all, but blades embedded in the body, especially the outer sides of the arms and calves are raised high, revealing the sharp jagged Bone Blade.

Looking at the face, the nose returned to the state of ordinary people. Obviously, during the process of modulation and fusion, I did not feel that the nose was needed as an attacking organ. On the contrary, the mouth was twice the size of ordinary people, almost as wide as the ears. In the position, there are several circles of jagged and sharp teeth in one mouth.

Just by visually feeling the density and sharpness of those teeth, you can be sure that you can crush the steel with one mouth.

The back of the head is also covered by the hair with a dark eye looking at the scene behind it.

"Evil Tooth, this is your name!"

"Evil Tooth, my name!" You can hear the sound of teeth rubbing with one mouth, which makes people spine. cold.

Evil Tooth

Race: Fusion modulation-Fishman-like clan.

Class: The third rank is medium and cannot be evolved.

mental strength 7

nerve conduction rate 11

skeleton hardness 31

muscle activity 17

blood density Velocity 13

Yarlin squinted, looking thoughtful in his heart, "Black Horn, six, evil teeth… The highest rank is evil teeth, but Black Horn has the greatest potential. This is because of Sea Beast itself. Is it because of the greater potential, or is it because of the side effects of fusion modulation?"

Temporarily press this doubt in my heart. Later, when there is a chance, he will slowly experiment and verify, and Yarlin will go out. Going out, Eya and Liutiao followed behind.