Pirate’s Brood Order

The shadows of the weird trees are reflected around the bonfire. Below the shadows are some people with their naked upper bodies painted with weird paintings dancing around the bonfire. The hair woven on their heads looks like a single The shadows of centipede were reflected on the ground, coupled with the weird cry from their mouths, which was indescribable and terrifying.

"…Kikner tribe, a tribe that retains many primordial habits, and what I want should be hidden in the Ancient Vestige guarded by them." Hockeddon was hidden in a tree The two weird eyeballs in the cave gleamed with brilliance. Originally, he was only interested in gold and ores, because his Devil Fruit's ability allowed him to refine the purity of precious metals and make a fortune. However, until one time he picked up one. The rusty iron box. When his hand touched the cross in the iron box that was coagulated and corroded by blood, one of his eyes was dyed red. Then he woke up and realized that his abilities are not only useful It's just for refining and purifying those precious metals.

From then on, he began to be very interested in some strange legends of gods and monsters and various ancient objects, and he turned into a collector and archaeologist.

"From the information I have obtained from countless historical materials and legends, if you want to find the entrance to Kekener's ruins, you must wait until every month when the full moon is empty. Kind of guidance." The corner of Horchton's mouth suddenly evoked a smirk. He watched the full moon slowly moving above his head to the sky. The frost that dangled through the jungle fell like silver, and the whole earth seemed to be Was transpired a layer of faint frost.

The wild people with painted faces uttered a howling that he could not understand, and the sound became louder, and a strange light beam suddenly reflected from the col in the distance. .

"It's there!"

Horchiton suddenly got out of the tree hole, pressed his hands against the ground, and ran towards the ground where the black light disappeared. .

As if some kind of sacred ceremony was interrupted, one of Elderly, who was wearing a tree crown woven with bird feathers on his head, reached out to Hochedon to reveal her withered yellow teeth. It collapsed like a lasing bullet pierced through a tree trunk and nailed to Horchiton's body, making a sound of metal collision.

"A rotten tooth?!"

Horchiton stared at the position where the black light disappeared, calculated the approximate direction in his mind, suddenly stopped and took it out from the waist A flintlock musketeer, throw a shot backward.


A female savage was shot in her eyebrows, and the refined unusual tenacious bullets easily penetrated her skull and then lifted the skull of another savage, spraying red and white blood and brain.

Horchiton watched the two corpses fall to the ground, then turned and ran, behind him was an angry silhouette chasing him.

At some distance from the coast, the Battleship approached quickly in the night. Yarlin's half-closed eyes at the bow opened and stared at a black light flashing by in the sky, from Ejected from the nameless island, his pupils flickered strangely, the crimson spider appeared on his shoulder, and the ugly mouthparts opened and developed a restless sound of "si si".

"Speed ​​up and get closer!" Yarlin commanded, rubbing his left eyelid.

whiz whiz whiz …..

The sharpened lances penetrate the jungle like raindrops, and Hockeddon moves towards the front without looking back, and at the same time he looks like The agile cheetah makes a variety of complex and agile evasive movements. Occasionally, the blade of his spear can only scratch his clothes. It only leaves white marks on his hard-like steel body. That's it.

Between chasing and fleeing, Horchiton's clothes turned into sparse cloth strips, but his eyes became brighter and brighter. He controlled the distance of chasing soldiers behind him, neither long nor Not short is like leading the way ahead, the moonlight falling in the sky becomes dim in the mountain col in front of you, just like an open mouth in the depths of Buddha Mountain col that sucks in all the light.

The inside of the col is a desolate area, which is different from the green scene outside. It is full of dry and corrupt vegetation. Under the silver frost cover is a mist-like piece of sand and mud. There are many in the middle of the sand. Ant-worm-shaped holes, a densely packed area appeared incomparably crazily in the field of vision.

The savages behind him screamed even more angry, flustered and exasperated frantically culled, Hockeddon suddenly stopped at the edge of the col, and a pair of red and blue eyes looked down the col. Suddenly, he turned to a savage who had been slaughtered and grabbed it like lightning with his hands, pinching the opponent's throat and lightly touching it.

Like a lover's caress, I saw that the savage's lower body was still in a forward posture, but his neck became stiff, and his skin showed his bony color, which was actually a moment of muscle. All are refined into bone calcification, and the blood vessels of the respiratory airway are all blocked by bone calcium.

Horchiton gently caught the fallen corpse of the savage, and then took the opportunity to pierce a finger hole in the soft tissue below the Adam's apple, and immediately the blocked black blood found the exit fountain. After the thorn came out, he grinned Issho and pushed the corpse towards the mountain col, said with a smile: "Only a road paved with blood can safely pass into the entrance of the Kikner Ruins."

After Yueshuang, the black mud began to tremble strangely, Horchiton's eyes lit up fiercely, he laughed and killed other savages in the same way. The reason why he kept such a distance that these savages could catch up was because It's the scene right now.

A closed and barren primordial island is just a group of ignorant and backward savages. How could it be his opponent of Horchiton? He is like a cheetah that plunges into the flock, quickly slaughtering the body They were all thrown into the col in a patchwork manner, like a ladder that stretched downward from corpses.


In the tingling sound, scarlet insects crawl out from densely packed holes, shaped like ants but covered in fishy The red carapace has a sharp poisonous hook behind it, as if waking up from a deep sleep, dyeing the entire col into a fresh sea.

Those insects climbed onto the corpse floating on the sea, followed the opening under the throat bone of the corpse, and went in. Horchton watched as his scalp was tingling faintly, and he brace oneself forward. Stepping on a corpse, and then quickly jumping towards the depths, those insects seemed to be attracted by the corpse under his feet, and they did not come to trouble him.

Because the insect was tumbling out of the mud, a sunken door that was originally buried by black mud in the depths of the col was exposed. The door body took on the shape of a lip, and inside was two rows of stones together. Teeth, under the moonlight, the surface of the teeth is mapped with vertical marks like textures, which should be some kind of mechanical device.

Horchiton tapped his fingers on the vertical lines according to a certain pattern, the closed gums loosened and opened the dark doorway, he grinned Issho and bent down and walked in.

Step on!

Yarlin fell from the Battleship and stepped on the beach. A huge hole suddenly exploded on the ground. His silhouette disappeared, and there was a stirring wind in the jungle…