Pirate’s Brood Order

The bloodline factor theory, also known as the "design of life", is a scientific technology jointly discovered by Vinsmok Gage and Bergapunk. It theoretically has the ability to encode and modify the human body from the genetic level.

Begapunk is the chief scientist of the World Government Marine Headquarters and is known as the world's number one scientist. It is said that he has mastered scientific research technology for 500 years.

And Vinsmok Gage is a scientist who can compete with Bergapon Coby in certain scientific research fields. He has almost perfectly solved the various problems of bloodline factor theory, and will This technology was applied to the human cloning project and the human transformation project secretly promoted by the Kingdom of Djerma.

A cold killing intent appeared on Kage's face: "Adams' experiment is another template that complements our two soldier bloodline plans. Once his experiment has a breakthrough, we will create a clone of the soldier. The length of life will be greatly shortened, and standing will increase exponentially, so this technology must be obtained by the Vinsmoke family."

The human transformation plan is to perform bloodline factors on humans during the embryonic period. Transformation, the person will obtain a physique beyond ordinary people after birth, and will acquire an "external skeleton", with strong skin and strong resilience, but will lose "emotions. Vinsmok Iji is the first product of this plan. .

The clone project created a clone soldier through the transformation of the baby bloodline factor. The clone soldier has a strong physique and absolutely obeys orders. Gage added "No" to the bloodline of the clone soldier. The concept of "fear death and never betray" is set, and the clone soldier himself did not know the matter. It takes 5 years to make a 20-year-old soldier. This is limited by the shackles of the human body, but if Adams' experiments can If successful, everything will be greatly improved, and the theoretical application of the bloodline factor will be greatly extended and strengthened.

"The CP9 mission failed, and a full member died. CP9 has also If you haven't suffered this kind of loss, I will definitely not let it go. I have ordered my eyeliner to keep an eye on CP9's movements. As long as CP9 moves, we can follow behind to find Adams. "Vinsmok Iji replied in a deep voice, his tone from start to finish, without the slightest waves, just like a machine in precision operation.

"Very good, you really are what I value most. son. "Gage was very satisfied with the handling of eldest son. He turned his head and looked towards a photo of a family portrait hung on the wall. The photo shows himself, followed by his late wife Vinsmok Sola, eldest son. Smok Iji, the eldest daughter Vinsmok Leijiu, the second son Vinsmok Nichi, and the fourth son Vinsmok Yuji, and announced that the father and son relationship was actually severed due to accidental death The third son, Vinsmok Sanji, who had no news.

His gaze slowly focused on the third son Sanji with blond hair and curly eyebrows, and his voice suddenly became somber and bitter: "About and One of Yonko's Big Mom Charlotte Family marriage proposal, I considered for a long time, I think it is very necessary. Once the marriage is completed, with the help of Charlotte family power, our Vinsmok family is likely to re-dominate the entire North Blue , To restore the lost glory of the Kingdom of Djerma, but whether you, Niji or Yuji are my most beloved sons, I cannot tolerate losing you, so only by finding Sanji back, the marriage with the Charlotte Family can proceed smoothly. Go down. "

"Sanji has been missing for too long. It takes time to find him again. Fortunately, Niche has quietly set off for East Blue to search. As long as Sanji is still alive, we, the Vinsmoke family, will be able to Father can rest assured to find him again. "Vinsmok Iji turned to exit the palace after speaking.

At the gate of the palace, a pink-haired Vinsmok Lejiu looked towards Iji who came out, Ni The eyebrows of the hour hand were frowned together, and the cold voice asked, "Why did you send Nige to East Blue? "

"Look for a good younger brother who was released from prison by you back then. Father hopes that the family can be reunited again. As a son, I should do my filial piety. "Iji's expressionless looked towards Leijiu.

"hmph, to find Sanji is to push him back into the Fire Pit. You are impossible not to understand this. The Charlotte Family members are all Crazy and freak. "Lei Jiu's coldly snorted expression is very angry.

"Then he should come back to share some pressure for the big brother. Kage raised her eyelids, rubbed her shoulders and walked over Lei Jiu faintly: "Sometimes I am really jealous that elder sister and Sanji can retain their human emotions. I have always wanted to experience the fragile human emotions, although In theory, it should be the reaction of some useless chemical hormones that's all. "

............... ......

The wind and sand roared, the huge eagle swooped down, the rough and sharp claws sank into the city wall of the palace, and then the majestic body was gathered into a humanoid moved towards Walk into Alabasta's palace.

The empty wine bottle rolled across the ground, Bell stepped on top of the wine bottle, and the dim room was full of alcohol. He frowned and looked towards lying on the corner of the table. Nefertari • Cobra, king of Albasta on the edge, opened the mouth and said: "Your Majesty, you need to cheer up. "

With her distressed eyelids pulling apart a gap, Na Nefertari • Cobra shook her body and stood up, swaying towards Bell and asking in a trembling voice: "Did you find Vivi?" "

"His Royal Highness Vivi has not been found yet, but it can be confirmed that the Baroque Works room also did not capture His Highness Vivi. Bell hesitated for a while and said with a serious tone: "Unfortunately, we also know very little about the Takashi Trading Company who hijacked His Highness Vivi, but since the Takashi Trading Company is not dealing with the Baroque Works room, It shouldn't be hurting His Highness Vivi. . "

"Then why is there no news from Vivi?" "Cobra rubbed his bloodshot eyes vigorously, with a strong trembling voice: "I Cobra can't save Alabasta. This is my sin. Am I going to lose even my only daughter now?" "

"No, you are the most benevolent king I have ever seen, and also the best father. Our citizens are only deceived for a while, and they will wake up one day. His Highness Vivi will definitely come back safely. "

"Don't comfort me anymore. This country has slipped into the abyss in my hands. The Prime Minister has taken over the country's power. Next is the time when the whole country is blood dyed. I am powerless, and my only hope now is that Vivi will come back safely. Suddenly, Cobra fiercely slapped himself and said hoarsely: "The information you have collected shows that Longshi Trading Company is a trading company of East Blue, right? "