Pirate’s Brood Order

Tick…Tick tick…

The viscous liquid dripped down the operating table to the ground. Adams slowly embedded the targeted gene target protein into the host cell, next to it. The expressionless Kuleha quickly sutures the blocked nerve gap, and at the same time, during the suture process, Vice Admiral's unstable and potent biological compound (biological explosive) is implanted in the surrounding muscles, similar to reconstituted with internal muscle tissue. A special organ.

"This is the active cell extracted from Mr.5, through the viscous effect of a new generation of rustworm…" Adams explained various weird terms.

Mr.5 was secretly transferred from East Blue 153 branch to the pyramid as early as a month ago, and became a "little white mouse". Adams extracted some biological cells for research and extraction.

"So, the self-destruct experiment was successful, right?" Yarlin interrupted and asked the most important point directly.

"As you wish!" Adams snapped his fingers, and the stitched transformant stood up from the experiment on platform, every beat of his chest was unusually strong, as if there was a high-pressure water pump It kept suppressing inside, and the pores of the whole body were overflowing with terrible heat.

"Very good, how about the formidable power of the explosion?"

"The explosion range is more than 50 meters, but the radius of the real lethality is within 20 meters. After experiments, it can be produced in the explosion It can blow up the overwhelming majority material building in an instant, and form an effective lethality to the radius within the range." Adams took a notebook full of experimental data and converted it into a popular sentence as much as possible to explain to Yarlin: "At the center of the explosion, That is, within a radius of 20 meters, ordinary people will be smashed into internal organs by the air pressure generated by the explosion within 1 second, and then their skeleton muscles will be broken and vaporized by the high temperature, even a little scum will not be left in the end, the whole process does not exceed 3 Seconds."

"It is meaningless to use ordinary people as a reference for the experiment." Yarlin has no sense of this data.

"I know you would say that, so I conducted an experiment with a transforming soldier." Adams hehe gave a weird laugh, and his tone was a scientific lunatic's indifference to life: "The air pressure generated by the explosion is not enough formidable power. Fatal and high temperature is not enough to kill the transformed soldier in an instant. This synthetic life possesses extremely tenacious life force, but the rust worm added to the self-destruct person within the body will form a sharpness at the moment of explosion. The acceleration is probably like thousands of steel needles penetrating the fire sea, and then piercing the transformant soldier's muscle skeleton and internal organs, causing fatal injuries. In the end, self-destruct people, transform the soldier, and explode in reproduction. All the rust bugs were swallowed by flames."

"If the explosive formidable power is enough to kill the transformant, then the instantaneous lethality is very impressive, especially for mass production…" Yarlin Licking his mouth, looked towards the core area of ​​the mother nest that has expanded during this period. The area at this moment is the size of six football fields. There are countless dark transformation chambers neatly arranged vertically and horizontally, like countless Yin Qi's dark black The coffin was filled with preserved flesh and blood corpses. These all the lives that were swallowed by the desert of Alabasta during this period were found and transported here by the conscientious brood from under the buried yellow sand.

Not only in the transformation chamber, but in places where Adams and their naked eye can't observe, there are more shapeless pieces of rotten meat buried in the maze of sand walls of the pyramid, with countless interspersed black The thread is wrapped around it, like bacon preserved by air drying, waiting for the owner to enjoy.

"If it is only transformed into a junior soldier, the current amount of meat can be transformed into 43,121 successfully." The voice of the mother nest came into Yarlin's mind.

The junior soldier is just a portion of meat equivalent, which is transformed into a Fishman soldier of the amphibians, with a success rate of 100%; and further, like evil teeth, two portions or more of meat. Similar to synthetic transformation, you will naturally get a more powerful soldier, of course, it may also be a deformed freak. There is no way to guarantee this conversion rate. The biggest probability is to directly mix into a crippled meat.

"The synthetic materials for self-destruct people are already available, can the transformation chamber be directly synthesized according to my will?" Yarlin asked in consciousness.

"Reserve enough raw materials for the initial information entry, the conversion cabin will record this information and copy it to all brood information databases."

The voice reverberated in Yarlin's mind, and at the same time, a tentacle condensed by black silk was suddenly stretched out beside Adams' test bench. The tentacle pierced the self-destruct person's brain like a needle without any hindrance, like The content of the information is extracted and copied.

At the same time, all the transformation chambers lit up with a strange black glow, and then touchable buttons appeared on the wall of the "coffin" of the transformation chamber. There were only three buttons for the time being. Primary amphibian Fishman soldier, self-destruct man, and options for synthesis of the current equivalent.

Adams approached the changing transformation chamber as if he had found a treasure. The electronic eyes observed the three buttons. Lengsen's rays of light flashed like a light bulb. Obviously he guessed and interpreted those buttons. The most important thing is to verify his until now guess in the bottom of my heart: "This underground experimental base itself is a living thing!"

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain this unimaginable for any other reason , Such a thoughtful change.

"It's incredible. If my guess is correct, this strange life form is the ultimate expression of the fusion of mechanics and life." Adams was agitated, and this base itself was his until Now he is struggling to pursue the ultimate goal, and he also sees that there is an incomprehensible connection between this "living creature" and Yarlin.

"Although I am very sorry for the secret funding of Kage until now, in order to get closer to my scientific ideals, I can only choose to fall to Yarlin." Adams had a decision in his heart.

Yarlin is naturally not clear. In this short moment, Adams's inner violent emotional fluctuations, he just half-squinted and thought: "The amount of meat and the rustworm must be enough, then, ultimately need to be considered. The yield is the active cells extracted from Mr.5."

"No problem. In fact, we only need to extract part of the cell tissue from him within the body, which can be reproduced and cultivated in the laboratory. Calculated based on the current output, the cells that multiply each day are enough to provide at least 1,000 self-destruct human units, and the speed of this multiplication can continue to increase!" Adams lifted Yarlin's doubts and extracted the biological cell level. And reproduction is the basic skill he masters most skillfully.

"So, do you still need him?" Yarlin grinned Issho, but what he said made Mr.5 feel cold in the bones.