Pirate’s Brood Order

In the deepest part of the inverted pyramid, Adams on both sides of the experimental platform is surrounding a transformant for Dissection and experiments. The cells and reagents cultivated in various bottles and cans are injected after being matched. The scene says no The blood that came out was cruel, and soon the test subject died suddenly, and was quickly dragged away from the test on platform, and another transformant lay on it calmly.

The experiment table on the other side is also full of bottles and jars. Those bottles and jars contain biochemical fluids. Dr. Kuleha is proofreading the experimental data while feeling ill at ease. Looking towards Adams, there was a disgust that could not be concealed in his eyes: "Scientific lunatics who completely abandon humanity, and these transformed life souls are castrated, they can no longer be called complete human beings. It's more like a patchwork of flesh and blood and chemical components, meaningless."

She doesn't know if she can see the mystery of human immortality in this laboratory, but she is More and more tired, the more she observed and knew about this devil's lair, the more she felt the coldness and fear from the bone marrow, as well as the strong hatred and disgust, everything here was subverting the cognition of inherent medicine.

"Even if one day, I discover the mystery of immortality from the devil's territory, isn't it ironic?" Dr. Kuleha wondered if he should continue: "This kind of research is for all mankind Is it a gospel or a disaster? What if the price of eternal life is to be part of the devil?"

Dr. Kuleha, who lived more than a hundred years old, was very distressed. She was doing something numb. The analysis experiment at hand, although every job is done very well, it is definitely not perfect.

In terms of subjective initiative, she and Adams are far away from the sky. Adams doesn't have so many unnecessary worries. He glanced at the slow progress of Dr. Kuleha's experiment with his cold electronic eyes. , Disdain: "I have lived a long time for nothing, and I am still struggling with the hypocrisy of self-deception. It is a waste of my talent."

"The development of self-destruct people is very successful, especially The effect of Mr.5's transformation is perfect." Yarlin has stayed in the pyramid recently, watching the movements in the Marine base from the bottom of the ground, monitoring Smoker at all times, and looking forward to the progress of the laboratory on the other.

Next to the biochemical pool behind him, a closed biochemical pool was opened up and grown separately, like a bathing pond, which was filled with steam liquidized biochemical liquid. The apostles who did not go out to perform their tasks were naked. Soaked in it, the body is full of contact tubes, and the breath in the nose is full of high-concentration biochemical fluid, and their physical fitness is rising all the time.

"Oh? Mr.5 has been self-destructed, but unfortunately I didn't see it with my own eyes and couldn't collect the feedback data." Adams stopped the experiment at hand and took off the blood-stained gloves. , Wipe clean his palm in the sink next to him. The blood vessels on the back of his palm are bulging with dark silver liquid flowing in it. Obviously, he has not completely stopped his cultivation and biochemical transformation during this period.

"I gave him as a gift to a friend who hit it off. He had a wonderful expression at the time. I think he must be impatient now and want to tell me his unquenchable thoughts. "Yarlin grinned openly, seeming to reminisce about Doflamingo's expression at the time. "The successful improvement of self-destruct made me truly realize your talents. I am looking forward to the progress of other experiments?"

"During the slow progress, in fact, due to some coincidental factors, we happen to have the conditions for self-destruct people to improve. However, other experiments are not so easy to advance. At present, I have just got some clues and are still in The stage of theoretical research and preparation, but the success of self-destruct people made me clearly realize that those formulas are real and feasible." Adams mentioned this, and his eyes showed crazy hot rays of light. Everything is unknown in science. The mysteries of the field fascinated him deeply. From a certain perspective, he is even more eager than Yarlin to see the success of those weird experiments a day earlier, and to remove those that do not exist on this sea. The product finds a substitute, and the research and development creates a brand new life to appear in this World. This is tantamount to completing a creation of God. This sense of accomplishment is so wonderful.

"Of course it's not just these problems, but if that person can be more active, he will definitely speed up the progress of the experiment…" Adams moved towards Dr. Kuleha's back secretly towards Yarlin The meaning is obvious. In this unknown frontier field of science, the joining of every top scientific researcher will inevitably bring stronger boost and the ability to overcome difficulties. He thought about it. He added: "In the field of biological sciences, as far as I know, there are two top scientists, one is Bergapunke, who is a well-deserved genius. In fact, some of my scientific research results are part of the theory by him. It was proposed a few years ago, but unfortunately he is now working secretly for Marine Headquarters, and the theory and results have been kept confidential by the highest standards; the other is Caesar, who was once a colleague with Begapunk, because he participated in some inhuman experiments. The same is wanted by Marine, currently whereabouts unknown, I guess it was also secretly accepted by a certain force; the last one is Vincent Mock Gage, who also worked in Bergapunk's laboratory. At the same time, he is also the leader of the Vincent Mok family. This family once used military force to conquer and control the entire North Blue. Now although the power has declined, it cannot be underestimated, and…"

Adams paused for a while, To Yarlin's eyes, he said meaningfully: "During my escape career, it was the Vincent Mok family that has been secretly funding my experiments. Kage seems to be still studying the bloodline factor theory and is currently working on cloning. The experimental plan, based on his talents, may have been successful, and he hopes that my experimental results can further strengthen the battle strength of the cloned soldiers and help them recast the glory of dominating North Blue."

Yarlin froze for a moment, repeating these three names. According to the ranking analysis, Begapunk should be the first. Caesar and Gage may not be the same. The interesting thing is that Gage is Adams's former gold master. What Yarlin didn't know was that Caesar had actually been involved with him once, and indirectly caused his last death.

"Very well, I understand what you mean!" Yarlin patted Adams on the shoulder. Adams was able to tell the final information, which meant that he had surrendered in an absolute sense, and his face was extremely satisfied. Smile.

"A few lost mice broke into the sand sea maze. Among them is a special reindeer. I think you might want it to appear on your experimental on platform!" Yarlin licked his lips and moved I cast my gaze on the projection of the control panel, and the entire desert is already occupied by the brood.

On the projection, the screen monitoring the Marine branch flashed, switching to the sand sea labyrinth…

Dr. Kuleha suddenly stiffened and turned his head looking towards projection, the heart beats instantly to the position of the throat…