Pirate’s Brood Order

"bloodline factor!" Yarlin licked his lips, and a ready-made example was placed in front of him. Even if it was a corpse, it was the best display of results. Yarlin's heart was already interested and coveted.

"One more thing, after testing the blood I extracted from the corpse within the body of Dalaran, I found that its blood still had activity!" Adams handed a pot of thick plasma To Yarlin, "He absorbed the blood of the Vincent Mock family before he died, so a considerable part of the bloodline factor is implicitly involved in the fusion of his own blood through the blood, and part of the Ability User who manipulates the flame. The blood was also drawn out by him and merged into his own blood. After his death, the composition of the blood is still maintaining the fusion, resulting in irreversible changes."

Yarlin lowered his head and stared at his hands. There was a blood jar with a weird color in it, and he glanced at Adams.

"The activity is decreasing rapidly, so there is no time for research. I think there may be surprises in the waste utilization." Adams is now determined to act as Yarlin's confidant. suggested: "You can inject this tank of blood into the body of an apostle within 2 hours!"

It doesn't take two hours. Yarlin has a goal in mind. He will When the blood tank was held in his hand and pushed out the door, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to Adams and said: "I still use the body of the discharge guy. Don't damage it too badly, and the other Straw Hat guys After the study, the body was destroyed, and it was a troublesome thing to see Dr. Kuleha!"

"Okay, don't worry!" Adams admired Yarlin's viciousness and shamelessness, he looked The back towards Yarlin showed a knowing smile, and the scalpel underneath his head and operated on Sanji's corpse more quickly.

He wants to dissect the valuable components of Sanji's corpse within the body as quickly as possible. It is rare that Kaji's finished product falls into his hands. How can he not study it carefully?

This is also the strongest tribute to Kajibao!

Yarlin turned out of the laboratory, walked a long distance along the sand corridor, and came to the cage woven by countless tentacles. Inside, Ace was wrapped tightly by the tentacles. Unable to move even a little bit.

The rust worm within the body has been removed by Adams, but Van Augur pierced a Kairosaki needle bullet into the gap in the spine, leaving only the skin underneath. A faint pinhole.

"Who are you?" Ace was weak and weak. In fact, he had just woke up from a severe faint and found himself in a dark and strange dungeon. The shackles are bound, all around it is dark and cold, and the "chain" that entangles him is like a greasy living thing that makes him feel a little hairy.

"The first time I met, I'm Yarlin!" Yarlin approached, and the blocked black tentacles obediently opened the road. He stood in front of Ace with a faint smile on his face:" As you can see, I am a Marine Captain!"

A brand new white military uniform, without a military cap and "justice" cloak. I wear white gloves habitually in my hand, with a The tank of scarlet blood plasma, the overall style of painting is indescribable.

Ace saw the hypocritical smile on Yarlin's face, and felt uncomfortable all over, as if being stared at by a cold python. He coldly snorted and said, "Marine? How could I be here? Here? What about Blackbeard Teach?"

The last scene before Ace's coma was the appearance of Blackbeard Teach. He was a little puzzled when he woke up again, how could the person standing opposite become Marine.

"Blackbeard?!" Teach's sloppy and dirty beard appeared in Yarlin's mind, and he grinned sharply: "Very vivid nickname, well, he gave you to me!"

"What do you mean?" Ace was shocked, with a dazed look.

"It means literally, because of your special identity value, he proposed to me a plan that I can hardly refuse. I want you to hear if there are still flaws in his plan Yarlin paused, his eyes suddenly became sharp, staring at Ace's eyes firmly, and said solemnly the identity of the other party: "Fire Fist Ace, Pirate King, the son of Gore D·Roger left in the world! "

Ace complexion changed, then sniffed, complexion is gloomy corrected and said: "Roger is not my father, my name is Portgas•D•Ace, and my father is Edward Newgate !"

Yarlin glanced over Ace's expression, he habitually rubbed his eyelids, faintly said: "It was still a bit uncertain. Your performance told me that Teach did not lie. I can be sure of you. The identity is true!"

"Interesting!" Yarlin ignored Ace's flushed and angry face. He stared at Ace quietly, with a curved mouth: "Don't be excited, are you Roger in the plan? The son is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you are the son of Whitebeard. Your performance tells me that your relationship with Whitebeard is extraordinary. That's good!"

The son of Pirate King Roger is In addition, Whitebeard Edward Newgate's son is the decisive factor.

"Plan? What do you want to do?" Ace felt a strong anxiety in his heart. He felt that every character in Marine's mouth before him seemed to be contaminated with deadly venom.

"Just like the Pirate King was executed back then, you will also be publicly executed in front of the whole world!" Yarlin gently took off his gloves and said quietly: "The difference is that one of Yonko Maybe Whitebeard's Whitebeard will come to rescue you, and then, the blood battle strength will be exhausted and his Legendary will end."

Ace's heart slammed, Yarlin's words were too vicious, like It was a snake tooth biting his heart, and his eyelids throbbed wildly. If his gaze could kill, Yarlin was afraid that he would have been crushed by him at this moment.

"You are dreaming, I am the father's son, but…" Ace suppressed the anxiety in his heart, snered and said: "Every member of the ship is regarded as a son by the father, Knowing this is a trap, how could the father stupidly take the lives of other family members in to save a son!"

"You are Roger's son, so you must be extremely in Whitebeard's eyes Special, Whitebeard has never beaten Roger in his life. After he died, he won the opponent's son. He must be very proud." Yarlin jokingly said, "So, you must be extremely special in Whitebeard's eyes. He at least There is a 50% probability that it will come. However, I have always disliked the probability of gambling. I do things in pursuit of absolute established results…"