Pirate’s Brood Order

Bell, disguised as a Pirate Ship and dressed in a loose coat, stood on the bow, with sharp eagle eyes looking towards the deadly East Blue. There was no sailing ship on the entire turbulent sea, as if the whole The East Blue ships were all taken away and gathered in a huge vortex.

Desolate, empty, and not popular!

The haze above the head, as well as the dull dampness in the air, are brewing a sweeping rainstorm that will cover the entire East Blue.

all around I couldn't see a Pirate Ship, and arrived at Caishi Island safely and safely, but Bell didn't relax at all, but became more tense, a strong sense of anxiety. Haunting in my heart.

"It's too quiet, but it makes people feel uneasy!"

Bell looked at the island almost covered by green, and what he saw was boundless fresh green, cracked ground The collapsed building remains are covered with green vegetation, the barbed mountains are also infested by green, and the colorful stone mines look like sporadic ornaments.

"These ore are all entangled by plants!"

The air is full of pungent fragrance, Marine pulls out a piece of ore from the mountain with his hands and sticks The root system of the scalp was still blown by the wind on the surface of the ore like broken threads. Watching this scene of Marine complexion slightly changed, I felt that my scalp was slightly numb.

The whole island is full of greenery, full of vitality, but silently without any sound, as if all life has been swallowed by the greenery.

But because this is the wreckage destroyed by the sinking island, Marines did not think too much, but picked up the hoe and hammer and started mining and transporting the ore.

Sniffing the scent from the soil, Bell stared at this green island. The high concentration of toxins was inhaled along his nose. The bags around his eyes began to quietly appear as bloodshots like earthworms. , The bloodshot quickly became green.

Stay in the environment of toxins for a long time, the toxins accumulated within the body will be deepened, and the incubation period will be passed faster.

"Your face?" Marine, who was carrying a sack next to him, first noticed the abnormality on Bell's face and exclaimed.

Bell touched his cheek in amazement, as if he had touched a piece of wet moss. His face was immediately stunned, and then he ran to the beach quickly, and the pair was surrounded by moss. The horrifying eyes.

Densely packed blood vessels swell and bulge, and the cracked capillary blood vessels are still moved towards the cheek all around, spreading and spreading. The outwardly convex eyeballs open the eyelids, revealing the green eyes underneath. Flesh, bloodshot and hideous in the pupils.

"My arms are itchy!"

A Marine soldier in the distance dropped his hoe in horror, but saw veins appearing on his arm, and the bronze muscle skin became thick , The skin on the surface began to fester and turned into a green spot.

Some of these Marine soldiers are the soldiers who followed Bell to East Blue last time. They are the people who have been exposed to chlorophyll toxins for the longest time, and they are also the people who have inhaled the highest concentration of toxins.

Bell twisted his neck stiffly and saw that among the Marine soldiers, about one third were staring at their changing bodies in panic. The other two-thirds of Marine soldiers had no obvious changes, but Breathing became anxious, and tiny bloodshot eyes appeared in his pupils.

"These vegetation is poisonous, why I am infected, but you have nothing to do?" The green moss spreading on the arm crawled towards the neck at an extremely fast speed, and half of the cheek rotted in the blink of an eye. Moss, Marine's body was swelling, and an angry howl from his throat.

The reason was swallowed by the green, and the pupils that turned into green were reflected in the other soldier who was not deeply infected next to him, and this one suddenly started to attack the opponent like crazy.

The swelling and infected body brings multiplying strength, just one punch punches the soldier's chest that can't be dodged, bloody fists burst out, two moss-stained arms brutally tear each other Split in half, the severed body snapped to the ground.

The sound of the corpse falling to the ground seemed to activate a certain command. The Marine soldier who was completely overwhelmed by the greenery howled and began to furiously attack those companions who had not been swallowed by the greenery. The smell of blood mixed in. In the fragrance, dripping blood splashed on the green ground, making the delicate vegetation more vivid.

Bell's pupils shrank sharply to the size of a pinhole. The strong physique conferred by Zoan Devil Fruit made his body more resistant to toxin infections, so that his sanity has not been immediately lost, but only Judging from the moss covered on half of his face, this kind of reason could not last a moment.

"No, there is a problem with these plants on this island. I must leave here immediately!"

Bell raised his hand to block the attack of a non-commissioned officer, yelling Name, the other party's movements paused for a while, and then he slammed his head with more violent force.

Holding the thick and greasy fist, Bell was horrified when he watched the opponent's body ebbly and steadily, from less than two meters inflated suddenly into a 3-meter-high humanoid monster covered with green moss. Jue, the sharp eagle claws smashed the opponent's head, he quickly opened his wide wings, and his whole body fluttered.

The whirring wings swayed the air, and the eagle's arc quickly moved away from the island, and soon turned into a black spot in the sky, and a few drops of green feathers splashed with blood fell from the sky.

Rapid flight, Bell's heart thumped and thumped, and his unspeakable fear was devouring every cell in his body. He felt that his body was undergoing terrifying changes, a kind of tearing and The swelling pain invaded the position of the wing roots. In the aftermath of horror, his unfolded wings doubled in width, expanding from 4 meters to 10 meters faster.

green, red, white, intertwined huge wings gliding, underneath the feathers are knotted muscles, like pieces of swollen sarcoma squirming, the strong force makes Bell's speed immediately exceed the speed of sound, hunting The howling cold wind cut across the slippery face, and the black Pirate Ship on the distant sea broke into sight.

Fear was driven away by bloodthirsty tyranny, and the remaining reason was finally taken over by irresistible anger and desire for destruction. The huge eagle wings swept down, and the flapping wings were like curved blades. Split the air and make a harsh whistle.


A section of the mast was severed, and the sharp claw dropping from the sky hooked a Pirate's shoulder. The effortless claw was like a claw that pierced tofu. It easily tore the other party into pieces. The blood was stained with the flag floating in red.

In the next moment, the rapid afterimages rushed across the deck, one after another Pirate's silhouette all split up and in pieces, the shattered corpses fell around all around, a few breaths. Pirate on a Pirate Ship was slaughtered.

However, all around is the Pirate Ship that shelters the sky from the sun. The irrational Bell is like a giant eagle surrounded by wolves. The swaying flags flutter, and the most central ship hangs black. On the main ship of the skull banner, William slightly frowned moved towards the place where the sound came and looked over...