Pirate’s Brood Order

The cracked red magma fell into the frozen ice, and two tall and tall silhouettes faced each other in the entangled water vapor, and the towering seagull flags swayed overhead.

Marineford, Marine Headquarters.

All around the ice lake are neatly repaired mountain peaks, countless white buildings are continuous, brightly lit, and cold-tone stairs stretching upward, mottled moon frost and silver lights and shadows are scattered on it. , Dotted with the road leading to the highest hall of Marine.

There are bare stone piers on both sides of the climbing stairs. On the stone piers sit tall statues, as if silently telling the history of Marine justice.

The nearest black-painted statue from the edge of the ice lake is the first Fleet Admiral of Marine Headquarters, who created the founder of Marineford.

"All the statues are pale in color. Only this statue was sprayed into the color of night. Do you understand why?"

Sakazuki glanced across the site The statues on both sides of the stairs fell back to the precognition's body. The other party also wore a cloak of justice, but there was a Bicycle parked at his feet, which looked a bit nondescript.

"That's because there was too much blood on his hands, and the blood condensed into black after precipitation!" Precognition looked at the statue, and moon frost poured on it, making it look like alive As if coming over, even after the ages, he can still feel the bloody smell left on it, he frowned.

"That is the era of blood and turbulence, but it is also the era of justice that cannot be defiled!" Sakazuki glanced across the statues, looked towards the statues standing in line behind him, at the top of the stretching ladder, Marine The silhouette of the current Headquarters Fleet Admiral Sengoku the Buddha stood there and looked down.

The sight seemed to collide in the air for a moment, and then moved away. Sakazuki re-looked towards precognition, and said deeply and firmly: "You have stayed in the sun for too long, so long you have forgotten it, the white of justice. The clothed inside should be solidified black blood. This sea has already been polluted by sin. Only by putting the body in the dark and feeling the cold and biting of the night can the dawn of dawn come."

"You can't save the times, your actions will only intensify the contradictions and accelerate the world to the abyss of destruction." The precognition obviously does not agree with Sakazuki's philosophy. The justice forged by too cruel means is like a burst of magma. The earth finally left the scorched earth that could only be barren, and the ashes in the air.

The concept of precognition and Sengoku is of common origins. The decadent world cannot withstand fierce medicine. It is not medicine. It is a deadly poison. At least for the current stage, Marine Headquarters must still accept World Government's leadership.

"Cowardice and retreat can only be struggling on whilst at death's door, only the fire can be reborn. This is the price that must be paid." Sakazuki face doesn't change, a trace of burning flashes through his eyes Rippled ripples.

precognition eyes shrank, he didn't continue to argue, it didn't make sense.

"I killed the Golden Lion Shiki!" Sakazuki said suddenly, "This is the beginning, and the sins of the past era will end one after another."

Although Sengoku gave Sakazuki and precognition, All tasks have been issued, but anyone with a discerning eye can see the partiality, and naturally they all understand that the real values ​​of the two tasks are completely different.

Maintain the order of the Underwater Prison and suppress the prisoner's riots; and suppress the entire East Blue, capture the Legendary Pirate flying admiral Golden Lion Shiki... In contrast, there seems to be no comparability.

In this tacit competition, Sakazuki won.

At least Sakazuki thinks so.

precognition turned his head and glanced at Fleet Admiral Sengoku standing on the top of the stairs. The long goatee was completely motionless in the cold wind, and he looked towards Sakazuki indifferently, his tone was not the slightest wave. Three words were lightly spit out from the seam: "Where is the corpse?"

He said that, Sakazuki's complexion is gloomy came down, his five fingers suddenly grasped, and a trace of dangerous magma circulated in the fingers.

Faced with Sakazuki's eyes that seemed to swallow him alive, but precognition turned a blind eye. He passed by Sakazuki's side, his voice as harsh as ice piercing the eardrum of the latter: " A broken rudder, what can't it prove?"

Sakazuki's tooth root fiercely bit, he turned his head and stared at the back of the precognition as he walked slowly up the stairs, the cloak of "justice" in the night wind The silhouette of Sengoku at the apex of the wanton dancing in the middle, still standing eagerly, coldly like a dead sculpture.

The beard angered like countless tentacles dancing, and the ghost spider stood not far away to have a panoramic view of the conversation between the two. His face was also very ugly and came over: "What does precognition mean?"

Sakazuki stared straight at the top of the stairs, his back disappeared from the field of vision, the burning aura exuding all over his body seemed to melt the night, he turned his face away, there seemed to be two red vortex in his eyes Can't see to the end.

"That's not the meaning of precognition, hey..." He licked his dry lips and added: "He is conveying the meaning of Sengoku!"

Ghost spider from Sakazuki He smelled an aura that made his heart palpitations, he pondered for a moment, and asked unwillingly: "Sengoku doesn't admit it, shall we just forget it?"

"It's the most naive to shame. Means, this is breaking the rules of the game." Sakazuki sneered faintly said: "Sengoku, he is old!"

"What do you mean?" The ghost spider is unknown.

"What's going on with Alabasta, is there anything happening on Yarlin?" Sakazuki asked after turning the topic.

"Speaking of Alabasta, the news delivered back is quite weird." The ghost spider lowered his voice suspiciously: "Albana's capital has become a dead city, and the people in the capital are This toxin infection becomes an irrational monster, and the symptoms of the infection are very similar to the green plant toxin produced by East Blue Golden Lion Shiki!"

"Huh?" Sakazuki was taken aback. Then looking thoughtful and asked: "East Blue's toxin has spread to Alabasta. Interesting, what did Yarlin say?"

"Yarlin's explanation is that this is an unexpected situation and was created by Smoker. "The ghost spider truthfully replied.

"Interesting!" Sakazuki indifferent expression, he doesn't care about Albana's inner situation, he cares about more important things, "How is Yarlin's progress?"

"It is ending !"

The details of the ghost spider are not clear, but Yarlin's report on the phone is very brief, and he relayed these four words to Sakazuki.

Sakazuki hearing this, with a meaningful arc in the corner of his mouth, he looked towards Ghost Spider faintly said: "Give the rudder of Golden Lion Shiki to Fleet Admiral Sengoku as a collection. After all, It is a relic left over from the same era..."