Pirate’s Brood Order

The eyes are shining fiercely. Since elemental transformation cannot escape this thunder prison, then the only way out is to kill through this thunder prison.

M•Courant•Caesar's black purple eyeshadow glanced at Marine standing in the thunder prison, he bit his teeth, and inhaled suddenly.

Like a giant whale swallowing the sea, M. Courant Caesar's entire chest collapsed suddenly, and a harsh inhalation sounded, and the oxygen surrounding all around was quickly drained and swallowed into his lung sacs.

The gas accumulated in the lung sac became turbid with the mixed oxygen, and then M·Courant·Caesar grinned and sprayed forward.

Gas spray gun!

At the moment the gas ejected from the exit, it burned and exploded to form a torn pillar of thunderbolt fire, penetrating straight through several dozen meters of space, moving towards Yarlin standing under the hood.

"Hey—" Yarlin stood there, remaining unmoved watching the fire column under the hood. What he breathed in his sniff was all burning smoke and dust. He clapped his hands to signal Koshiro who was in front of him to move away. Five fingers suddenly spread out, countless black threads surging, forming a rippling black wave in front of him, sharply pulling off the fire column.

"Does it seem to be regarded as a breakthrough mouth?" Yarlin opened the fire column, slightly on one side of his body, and saw M. Courant Caesar's body suddenly emerge, and the invisible poisonous smoke moved crazy. Pour into Yarlin's ear, nose and mouth.


The weird shadows squirmed, and the white Marine suit seemed to be covered in color, turning into a deep darkness, and densely packed black lines sprang from all directions of his body.

In the field of vision of M. Courant Caesar, Yarlin's body seemed to burst into countless black lines. A strange shadow flashed before his eyes, and Yarlin's body Disappeared in place.

"elemental transformation?"

The body burst into black lines, where there is a trace of human-shaped structure and outline, and the strange convergence of shadows and black lines are in M·Courant·Caesar Behind him regrouped into a pool of human figures, and I can't blame M. Courant Caesar for almost thinking that Yarlin is also Logia's Ability User.

After all, the blurring of ablation and reorganization resembles Logia's unique signature style-elemental transformation.

The guy above the head who manipulates the thunderbolt lightning must be Logia, the Ability User of Goro Goro no Mi, and he is Logia, the Ability User of Gasfruit, which is certain.

"No, it's not elemental transformation, but the body has disintegrated into countless black lines!" M·Courant·Caesar reacted, but his brows became tighter. Doflamingo's ability is the line of fruit Ability User, and he was super supernatural to play with his abilities, but he couldn't conceal his body either.

M·Courant·Caesar is very keen in observation. He even suspects that the Marine suit on Yarlin's body is not real, but is made of black threads woven and discolored.

"You got it wrong, I am the one who is the hardest to be held or killed!" Yarlin pointed his index finger at the air, and the continuous burst of air pierced the air into a sieve. Ripples fiercely pierced M. Courant Caesar into pieces.

The passively burst body, before it had time to reorganize, the arc lingering in the air "zi zi" burned the invisible gas, and the purple gas reflected the red rays of light.

The gas that did not dare to escape quickly converged, and a hideous human face emerged. M·Courant·Caesar waved his body to extinguish the flame ignited on his calf, and a burning trace The hairs on his legs were completely burned, and the scorching scars were aching.

"No empty world!"

There is a vicious expression on the embarrassed face. M. Courant Caesar hasn't been so embarrassed for a long time, his arms suddenly opened. A circle of substantial ripples spread to the entire ground with him as the center.

The sky is dark and the air is shaking.

A strange attraction is like an invisible black hole. The air within a kilometer of a radius is instantly swallowed, forming a vacuum Absolute Domain.

Weirdly visible cracks in the naked eye emerged from the inside of the vacuum, like the sudden evacuated air that made the space unable to withstand all around the fierce air pressure, and the electric ions in the air were crushed and extinguished.

"Let me go, otherwise, you will lose all your oxygen and be suffocated alive!" M·Courant·Caesar bared his teeth, glaring fiercely at Yarlin and threatened: "Believe me, not even It takes a few minutes and you will die of anger."

Broken goat horns, bleeding arms, cracked bloody eye sockets, plus a fierce expression, all these make M. Courant • Caesar's threat seems very similar.

"Dying without air?"

Without the medium of air, sound cannot be transmitted, but it does not prevent M·Courant·Caesar from distinguishing the upturned mouth shape of Yarlin's mouth, full of The joking arc and the ridiculous voice seemed to come directly into his mind.

Standing diagonally in the vacuum area, the masked swordsman standing with his sword can't see his expression, but his standing body seems too calm.

The raging arcs on the periphery of the vacuum field condensed into countless black snakes climbing back and forth on the transparent air wall. The Thundergod Enel above his head looked down so indifferently, the thunder drum rhythm behind it was not at all. The change trembled.

"It's not right, so calm!"

M•Courant•Caesar's heart fell suddenly, he stared at neither too fast nor too slow slowly moving towards himself When Yarlin came, the other party's face was stable and there was no feeling of suffocation at all.

"Want to suffocate me? Are you telling me a joke?"

The mouth is full of malicious mockery, the next moment Yarlin's The figure pulled out a series of afterimages, a weirdly extending arm penetrated the void of air, and the cold fingernails reached M. Courant Caesar's eyebrows.

Only a weak body like a human will die because there is no oxygen... The species reinvigorated by Legion is not such a fragile life, even more how, Yarlin even the human shell Has been abandoned.

M•Courant•Caesar's brows have fine goose bumps, he screams, his arms burst into countless purple gas, burst into the vacuum field, and blast into Yarlin's mouth. In the nose.

Seeing that the latter's body seemed to stagnate for a while, and the whole body's chest swelled outwards like a balloon. Then, the expression on M. Courant Caesar's face suddenly stiffened, and he saw Yarlin swelling. His body shrivelled again, with a circle of weird openings in his body, like a body knitted by a ball of wool being pulled loose, exposing the gap between the threads.

The influx of gas poison qi is then excreted.

"It's not elemental transformation, this man simply..." M•Courant•Caesar saw in horror that there were no internal organs in the body that Yarlin pulled apart within the body, only a strange shadow.