Pirate’s Brood Order

Dark clouds cover the top, a huge Pirate Ship lay across the sea on the surging Kuroshio, the towering Pirate flag whistled in the rainstorm, the terrifying skull looked like a king in a kingdom staring indifferently. A relatively narrow mast is approaching quickly.

The white and red sails crossed, the raging mast resembled a sharp bayonet, and a scarlet pointed leather shoe on the top of the bayonet stepped on the pole, splashing raindrops and The waves hit the dancing pink feather cloak.

The ship leaned over, Doflamingo raised his head and swept across the skull Pirate flag, leaning on the side of the giant ship's ship's side, a muscular knotted fierce Pirate, mostly wearing armor, feathers, belts, and a pair of Viking warriors Or Barbarian-like appearance, all exudes a wild beast-like terrifying breath.

Stepping on the wet boat board, the pointed leather shoes made a "ga zhi" sound, and Doflamingo calmly carried a silver tin box in his hand.

Lifting the box, he glanced at the watch on his wrist. The pointer just pointed to the appointed time. He let out a sigh of relief, "The time is just on time!"

" You'll be late at one point!" In the lingering black flame, there is a man wearing a black mask, covered in dark clothing, with no inch of skin exposed, behind a pair of ferocious wings wrapped in embers of gunpowder smoke. Said in a hoarse voice.

Doflamingo looked over and immediately revealed the other party's message in his heart.

Jin, nicknamed the Inflammation Disaster, is one of the infamous "Three Disasters", Yonko Kaido's absolute confidant.

Assaults the senses with a burst of ferocious breath before the person is close, like an ancient ominous beast is slowly approaching, and even the breath that comes out is chosen and eaten Cruel and dangerous.

"Kaido is not here!"

Doflamingo's heart is inexplicably loose. Although I don't want to admit it, for Kaido, the truly immortal monster, Doflamingo deep in one's heart is a bit afraid .

His eyebrows raised, his hand shook, and the silver box was rolled up by a transparent silk thread, hovering in the air and thrown towards the past, Jhin caught the box, and his sharp fingertips broke like a hook At the same time, tear off the box from the transparent line, exposing a few Devil Fruits inside.

Pinch a Devil Fruit to his lips, breathe greedily in his nostrils, revealing an intoxicated expression, and a satisfied smile at the corner of Jin's mouth, he gave a few Devil Fruits to his subordinates next to him, instructed:" Get ready, choose a suitable person from the standby, and swallow these fruits."

At the same time, a gate opened on the side of the giant ship, and a cargo ship with extremely deep draft floated out. , There is no one on board, but the cargo hold has long been piled up with all kinds of gold and silver treasures and rare materials.

Doflamingo squeezed a smile on his face at the same time, he waved his hand, and the schooner took over the floating merchant ship and began to quickly count the supplies.

Suddenly, he complexion changed, and he threw a thin piece of paper out of his cuffs. One corner of the piece of paper was in a weird and natural, spreading black ember a few breaths, then the whole piece of paper The flakes were swallowed and turned into burning embers, falling from Doflamingo's fingers, being wet and washed away by the pouring rain.

"It's the life card of M·Courant·Caesar!"

Doflamingo stared at the embers of the card, and a pair of eyes under Scared's lens shrank into needles Kong, there was crazy tyranny in the flashing eyes, and... a trace of trembling panic.

"Let's go!

Doflamingo swept through the hands of the inventory, his voice was like a depressed volcano, his whole body seemed to be trembling slightly, and a word came out from the gap in his teeth

The subordinates who counted the goods were stunned and looked suspiciously towards Doflamingo. They had just completed the count and were preparing to move the goods back to their ship.

"Stop the count , Give up this shipment, we will rush to Alabasta as soon as possible! "Doflamingo's teeth were almost crushed, Scarlet's lenses burst into pieces, and the shattered pieces cut through his eyelids, and a trace of red blood emerged.

The subordinates he brought were all crushed. I was scared, and several subordinates who checked the cargo handling were stunned.

"However, it only takes a while to complete the cargo, and even if the cargo is loaded, it will not be possible at the speed of our ship. Slow down..."


The sound of the watermelon bursting, Doflamingo grabbed the speaker's head.

His head clicked The zi burst and flew into syrup, blood and flesh splashed, countless transparent silk threads pierced through, dismembering the whole body, and the voice of the human body was suddenly stopped.

The subordinates next to it keep. Quiet out of fear, blood ticked down Doflamingo's fingertips. They lowered their heads and quietly saw Doflamingo's body overflowing with blood-reeking qi, and his eyes were filled with blood.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Go to Alabasta as quickly as possible, ahhhh——"Doflamingo roared out suddenly.

They had never seen Doflamingo so angry that they couldn't imagine what happened. But the only thing they knew was that no matter who it was, the person who angered Young Master was absolutely dead.

The masted sailing quickly sailed away from the stormy Sea Territory, under the dark night haze, A terrifying Winged Dragon surrounded by flames overlooks the direction the ship is leaving.

For a long while, the dark Winged Dragon converges its wings and falls back to the deck of the giant ship to restore its human form, and a few swallow Devil Fruit's transformed Ability User was grinning and waving his burly body, standing in front of him, a few jumps and stepped on the solitary cargo ship nearby.

The boxes in the cabin were all opened. , The supplies were scattered all over the place, they looked up towards Jin and asked, "Doflamingo didn't take these goods? Do you want to give it to him next time? "

"hehehe ~" Jhin grinned with a sardonic laugh: "This transaction was successfully completed, and the money and the goods were lost. He didn't need the money himself, and that thing was naturally ours again, and What does he have to do. "

"hahahaha ——"

Pirate on the ship let out a frantic laughter, and the cargo ship retakes the huge hull along the side gate, and Jin rubs the handle of the knife with his face. With a looking thoughtful expression on him, he squatted down, rubbed his fingertips on the deck, and then put his fingertips on his nose and sniffed: "It's the smell of life withering and dying. It's interesting. Who would make Doflamingo care so much?" "

He waved, an aquiline nose, wearing a black mask, and a man with an "X" tattoo on his chest came over.

Jin bowed his head. He whispered a few words in the ear of the opponent, and the latter knew how to leave quickly, moved towards Doflamingo and took a Pirate Ship in the direction where he left just now...