Pirate’s Brood Order

Rows of exploded heads, splashing blood like vases, fell in pieces along the spiral staircase in the dock. Doc Q kept gnawing on the apples, sucking the air intoxicated. The strong smell of blood, the fresh blood of the passing of life, is the most fragrant aroma for him.

"Yeah, tell me where is the Galley-La Company storing confidential documents and information?" Laffitte turned his cane to a foreman, and the fast-rotating cane formed an illusory shadow with a slight voice. The weird tone penetrated into the opponent's eardrum.

"Over there..."

With a dull expression on the foreman's face, as if being hypnotized, he raised his finger to the room that led to a road next to the spiral staircase.

"Very well, you can go to death!"

Laffitte tick the corner of his mouth, and his voice is weird and gentle.

The foreman, with muddleheaded eyes, picked up a broken gun barrel on the ground, and the jagged and sharp head plunged into his throat.


With a fierce force, he smashed half of his neck directly, his head twisted to the side of the shoulder, and his hanging face still showed a blank smirk. It makes people feel hairy.

"Killing is an art, don't make it so rough!" Laffitte was a little disgusted with the way Doc Q stuffed apples, and walked over the corpse on the ground moved towards the secret room.

Doc Q silently glanced at the strange-looking corpse on the ground, muttered in his heart, and then turned into the corridor next to him. Marshall D·Teach followed indifferently at the end.

Almost at the front and rear feet, Franky and Straw Hat rushed in and quickly ran around the spiral staircase towards the top floor.

"They are all dead!"

Franky scanned the bodies of some foremen, most of the boatmen inside he knew them, and his heart sank immediately, making his heart restless. Strong.

The stairs that were originally congested are bloody everywhere at the moment, and there is a sticky wet underfoot. I ran to the top floor and walked into the unrecognizable long corridor. The ground and walls fell off to reveal the white bones. The calcified bones were paved and stained all over the ground, looking so terrifying.

The door is open. The walls in the room are also eroded by bones, like a prison forged from white bones. Only a hole in the opposite bone wall that can accommodate people pass through.

On the ground are a few broken corpses and fleshy flesh, which can't even be put together in a human form. On the wall, there is still a riddled corpse hanging on the top of the corpse. Stop the dove that has been crying.

Beside the crushed desk chair, there was a severed palm lying in a pool of blood and a tattoo on the back of the hand. Franky's eyes turned black, kneeling in a pool of blood, and his body trembled violently. .


Luffy and the others stared at Franky who was crying, and it was not a feeling in his heart. As soon as he was about to speak for comfort, his face suddenly changed and he turned his head and glanced over his head. .

On the sunken ceiling, there is a strange twist on the calcified bones. The light seems to be distorted nearby. Only a fuzzy outline can be seen. It should be a person. .

"Even Lucci died. Really, I followed my suggestion and threw a Bruno out. How stupid the whole army is to be wiped out!"

Squat voice Although it was emotional, there was no trace of mercy, only insidious cruelty and ridicule. The moment the Spartian lion snuggled and the Otono Owl were killed by Dodge, they did not show up smartly, but followed quietly. Franky left behind.

Follow Straw Hat and the team back to Ace Bagu's office. Therefore, he can be said to be from the top secret. He just passed by Yarlin. He didn't realize that the "some Individual", right now, on the same island as him.

"Franky, call out the design of the Dark King, I can let you go."

With words on the mouth, the twisted shadows swooped down and the air was rippling. With spiral ripples, an arm covered with horror tattoos stretched out, and a fist with a strong blood smell, very ruthless pierced Franky's head incomparably, and it was not obvious that he had let the other party's thoughts go.

"This distance is still unsafe. You must quickly get the drawing and leave, so as not to attract the apostle."

The very ruthless shot is ruthless, but his mind is like a teleportation. Bhatia is sure that the apostle's first goal is Bruno, but who can guarantee that the opponent will covet the "Dark King's design" after he succeeds.

The fierce wind from the top of his head, Franky raised his head and howled in anger, his feet jumped up like a spring, and between shaking his hands, his right hand became a rotating drill. , The harsh rays of light shattered the shadows.

The black images were pieces of torn fabric falling down. Then, his other hand lifted like lightning, his wrist split open, revealing dense gun holes.

da da da ...

The dense fire snake swept out, and the fragmented black shadow was shattered.

"Be quieter, I don't want to call those apostles!" The broken shadow dissipated, a circle of twisted ripples rippled in the air, and the thin air surrounded Franky's all around.

Immediately, a weird and boundless force seems to have caused the air all around to be twisted into a tangled python, fixing it in place, Franky felt like he was imprisoned in amber Insect, not only the hands and feet are unable to move even a little bit, but even the breathing air is pulled away, and a strong sense of suffocation floods into the heart.

Fist slammed into Franky's eye sockets, a crackling sound like glass beads, scarlet and viscous blood mixed with the scum of the lens flowing out of the eye sockets, Spatia tilted his head and shot The rubber fist was deflected and slammed on the wall on the other side.

"You mentioned the apostle just now?"

Luffy's head was steaming white gas, his body was like an overloaded machine, the reflection was red and hot, he stared fiercely fiercely Spartia, who couldn't see the outline, blasted a hole in the ossified ground under his foot, and the rumbling wind reverberated, and his whole figure smashed through like a rocket launched.

The black shadow sighed slightly, the corners of his clothes floated by the strong wind, a pair of sinking and distorted eyes glanced at Luffy, and the air burst into a vortex like a vortex.


The sharp blade light that suddenly broke out, took the lead and cut the twisted vortex to pieces. Zoro grabbed Luffy, but saw the latter's two arms violently There were countless slender mouths, and blood splashed out.

"Don't be impulsive, this guy's abilities are weird!" Zoro held a word with one hand upside down, staring at the twisted silhouette with cold eyes.

"Although I really want to find out the true identity of the apostle, the more important thing is the design of the Dark King!" Spatia dug a finger into Franky's eye socket, and the neck stretched strangely and twisted He licked his mouth and said, "Last chance, tell me where is the drawing?"