Pirate’s Brood Order

The cascading dark water poured in, and the endless darkness flooded everything. The entire hall was shrouded. The white wax wall surface began to quickly collapse and break into particles, being sucked in by the black hole, and the castle began to move towards The inner depression collapsed.

Yarlin stood in the center of the apostle, his face calm, staring quietly at the black liquid that had been engulfed, and bared his teeth: "You are the most ambitious Pirate I have ever seen, there is no need Only by doing unnecessary struggles and becoming a member of my command can you have a broader future!"

Teach's eyelids twitched, and Doc Q in front of him was looking at it with a sly and hollow eye. , A mouthful of rotten teeth grinned exaggeratedly: "Everything is the guide of fate!"

The tense twitch on his face, he gritted his teeth ruthlessly said: "Hey, you feel as if you have taken me down, I Marshall D. Teach is not so easy to swear!"

"Who eats who is not necessarily!" He added inwardly, and then glared fiercely at that Muir. Culiair and Laffitte, "Are you going to become the kind of puppets that are manipulated?"


Namuir resisted the bone erosion A terrible pain, the weird shadow on the shoulder wound was corroding his flesh and blood, and the large pieces of flesh gave off a fishy smell. He bit his teeth bitterly, and stepped on the moved towards an apostle to kill him.

"Teach, let's calculate it later!" Kuliair cursed, and the fire was fully fired. For a time, orange-red artillery fire continued to expand and burst, and terrifying continuous fire snake shrapnel poured down. .

"Observe my captain!"

Laffitte has a cruel and terrifying smile on his face, a pair of white wings spread out behind his back, but his eyes sink into a dark vortex, he licks Lips, a cane pierced Doc Q, who was "resurrected from the dead", and said grimly: "I don't know if you should be called Doc Q. We had a good time together. So, do you mind if I dissection you now? "

"Fate does not have this option!"

Doc Q grinned, with nothing in his hollow and dark eye sockets, so he faced Laffitte with a pair of holes, and he took it out of his arms An apple, ka-cha bites off and chews: "I have never seen fate so clearly, because..."

The apple core is spit out with her tongue, and Laffitte's cane bounces off the core. , The air wave caused by the explosion exploded, and the scarlet flames illuminated the two cheeks extremely white.

"Fate is watching me too!"

Doc Q let out an impudent laugh, his body buckled in his neck, and jumped forward suddenly, the whole body suddenly unfolded , The body immediately soared, and the two ape-like ferocious arms scratched at Laffitte like claws.

The stench of the stench assaults the senses, and the dark nails were stained with poison. Half a foot away, a layer of goose bumps arose on Laffitte's skin.

Several crashes, the sound of metal crashing, the terrifying force penetrated the cane to beat Laffitte's wrist numb, while Doc Q grinned out a thick phlegm and shot it towards Laffitte's cheek, "feel it Well, this body has been given fresh vitality. This is the blessing of fate!"

The cheek was opened by thick phlegm, and the skin and muscles were burning and stinging. Laffitte looked like a bird of prey, and was astonished: "Doc Q has become stronger, not just a little bit!"

Namuir, who confronted Vista, and Culiaire, who confronted Ace, both came up with the same similar judgments at the same time. The tyrannical, more vicious, and more dangerous "companion" is fighting against him.

The heart keeps falling, and the feelings of despair and horror linger in my mind irresistibly, especially when the peripheral light glances, the apostles surrounding Yarlin haven't made any actions yet, and despair It is like an endless shadow that will swallow their souls.

In the darkness, the gloomy candlelight went out.

"I'm coming!"

There was an excited voice from the black robe, Gana grinned with sickly excitement, he raised his hand and waved a curved mirror block In front of him, a vertical crack abruptly cracked in the center of the mirror.

Dark water hits the mirror surface, rippling rolling ripples, and then "rushing" into the cracks howling, like a turbulent wave falling into a rift in the deep sea.


During the violent scouring and engulfing, strips of cracks appeared on the mirror, and countless fine cracks "ka-cha" sounded.

"There is some meaning, his eyes are pre-ordered!"

Gana stretched out her tongue to lick the skin of her mouth, her right arm stretched out from the black robe, and stitched in the flesh in turn The eyes on his arms were shining with gloomy rays of light, and they turned in full looking towards Teach in the dark.

One after another eyeballs turned frantically, a faintly discernable howl sounded in the dark, Gana gently stroked his arm, and the touched eyeballs immediately closed their eyelids.

Only one eyeball was left untouched. In a moment, Gane inserted her entire arm into the back of the mirror, and the opened eyeball melted strangely, a blurry and twisted reflection. The face was exposed from the surface of the mirror.

"I'm fair. If you want to get liberated, you have to have someone else come and change you. I like his eyes. I put him in the mirror and I will let you go!"

The three eyes on Gana's face braved the coquettish red light, and his voice fell through the mirror to the solid silhouette.

Golden lion's mane-like hair, two amputations inserted into the soles of the iron sword, the face of Golden Lion Shiki emerged, only a pair of eyes were empty holes, his expression The sluggishness was like an illusory shadow without a soul, but when I heard Gana's voice, the whole body trembled in horror.

"Mirror prison• Arena!"

The arc-shaped mirror surface suddenly stretched out, forming a circle of shroud cover to the darkness, covering the tumbling dark water in, Teach pupil shrink, he felt a strange force that seemed to pull his soul into the mirror.

However, he was finally swallowed and offset by the force involved in the black hole, but there was no joy on his face, just ugly, and the apostles under Yarlin were too weird and evil.

"Yarlin should be the weakest one, but to get close to him, you must break through the apostle's blockade..." Teach's brain quickly turned, but his greed and coveting became more and more cracking: "As long as I Swallow Yarlin's ability, then these terrifying apostles can all be transformed into my Marshall D·Teach crew, and become my capital of the sea..."

On the cracked mirror, A Dao Void shadow stepped out from the crack, the illusory shadow was slowly condensing, Golden Lion Shiki looked towards dumbstruck's Teach with a stiff expression, his arms suddenly opened, the terrifying wind rolled immediately, all around the surging darkness. The moment the water touched his body, it turned strangely into a dark lion head, crawling very quietly under his feet...