Pirate’s Brood Order

"A trap? This is waiting for our Three Kingdoms Allied Forces and Akatsuki to get into the trap together. What a courage!" Two Libras, Onoki frowned and noticed something wrong, but at this moment, there is no thought of retreating. He leaped into the air, angrily roared loudly: "The survival of the Ninja world is today, everyone, fight to the death!"

The voice fell.

Two Libra Oyemu closed their hands, then opened them, and a weird transparent cube emerged, moving towards the thunder hell that enveloped Raikage Ai.

Dust escape•The technique of bound stripping!

The transparent cube quietly merges into the black thunder cell, the black cage that is sealed off opens a long and narrow gap, and the distorted and wriggling black thunder collapses in the sour voice. With the finely divided dross falling on the ground, the transparent cubes that it merged became thinner and thinner, and layers of arcs adhered to the surface, as if it would be swallowed and dissolved at any time.


A blood-spattered silhouette flew out of the black cage, half of his arms were neatly cut off, black Poison Blood sprayed, Raiking Ai cut off his corroded arm with a single knife, face Deathly pale escaped from it.

The black cage did not chase, but weird expansion and diffusion, the extreme expansion of the black cloud and haze, turning into a cage hiding the sky and covering the earth, as if giving the entire world Shrouded.

As far as I can see, the sky seems to be turned upside down, and the entire Konoha and the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces are covered in it. Enel sits in the clouds, and the thunder drum behind the ridge trembles. With the rumbling sound, countless terrifying black lightning arcs surged from him. He looked down at the ground and his face was cruel to his bones. He judged: "No one can escape!"

blood dyed In the red and black land, the body was swallowed and then climbed up again. Under the black ocean, the coalition forces were struggling, and every time one died, the number of enemies increased by one desperately.

Simple addition and subtraction is enough to be suffocating. Moreover, each of the black robe apostles is so tyrannical and weird that one cannot feel any hope.

"Don't get entangled with those dead, killing the apostles is the key!"

Two Libra Ohnogi glanced at the elite of the coalition forces, and said grimly: "at all costs, even if you take it Let's kill the apostles too!"

The elite of the coalition forces immediately broke away from the main force and got rid of the endless black clothed ninjas. Instead, they were scattered into several small teams. It was the guard of the shadows or the force of the people in the villages. At this moment, they were dispatched, and the goal was to take the life of the black robe apostle.

The apostle entangled by the Akatsuki organization, the black robes of the red clouds on the black background, the black robes collided violently, but it was almost a face-to-face scene. The scene was not sustainable until the support of the new coalition forces.

The throat cavity was torn into a hideous mouth, a large amount of blood spurted out, and the sound of "hoho" leaking came from my throat. Jilai was also grabbed by Terumi Mei and pulled back. , The ninjutsu of the dissolving nature blocked Tsunade's strange power attack, and the two retreated violently together.

Sakura got up from the ground, the ribs on her chest sunken inward, and every time her heart beats, she felt painful. She quickly endured the severe pain and sutured the broken throat cavity to Ji Lai Ye. Live bleeding.

Lei Ying Ai pierced his shoulder with his fingers, the high temperature of the electric burning scorched the flesh and blood, and brutally stopped the bleeding. There were beads of sweat on his face. He looked towards the black cloud like Demon God The same Enel, gritted his teeth ruthlessly said: "I'll hold him!"

"Have you found the leader of the apostle?" Two Libras, Ohnoki's eyes flashed fierce rays of light, and his eyes quickly scanned the chaos. The bloody battlefield is full of broken bodies and black lines.

The explosion of energy collisions, smoke and dust obstructing sight, wild-growing giant trees swirling around and devouring human lives, black haze shattering white paper scraps, and cracked sword intent The cutting air of hiding the sky and covering the earth turns an area into a forbidden zone of life. All approached people are instantly chopped into dregs, the thick blood shadow laughs crazy, and the blood dripping on the ground is strange Converge towards the center and construct an Evil God array.

The splendid and dangerous scenery is reflected in front of you, one by one, you can't find the white "justice" cloak. So far, Yarlin has not been found.

Jilai also looked at Tsunade who was temporarily dragged by the shadow's guards, and his expression was extremely ugly, sweeping across the battlefield. Indeed, no trace of Yarlin was found in the entire battlefield. Tsunade echoed in his mind. The sentence "Prophecy is about to become reality", this sentence made his heart fall to the bottom.

Gritting his teeth and cheering up, Jilaiya suddenly saw that in the center of the battlefield, seven robes with black background and red clouds stood around, and the weirdly rotating Samsara Eye stunned the apostle in the center.

The heart suffocated suddenly, and Jilai also got rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind. He took a deep breath, the rich and disgusting smell of blood in the air, and he looked towards the cracked underground, ruthlessly said : "No, the number of the apostles is wrong, and the apostles have not appeared, and the leader of the apostles is not there. If they are not on the ground, they should be underground!"

Jilai was the first to swoop down. Next, moved towards the dark ground crevice and jumped down, the black tentacles flooded by "si si" were crushed by the spiral pill, Terumi followed closely behind, spraying out a large scorching acid mist, and the black tentacles were corroded. The acid water dripped down, and a pattering black rain fell, and the echo of raindrops splashed down from the depths of the ground.

Between the two Libra Ohnoki waving their hands, all around the soil mixed with the black thread forced the weird bulge and deformation, forming countless stone spears shooting downwards, a black tentacles scrolling in the crack of nails Smash the stone spear into vortex.

"That direction!"

Quickly distinguishing the direction where black's tentacles attack the most intensely, the two Libras Ohnoki narrowed his eyes, as if seeing a weird black door illusory shadow Standing in the depths.

Nepenthes emerged silently from the ground, before he could pull it out of the mud and grass under his feet, a vacant mirror reflected in his eyes out of thin air.

The black flame of lacquer transpired from nothingness, and the cold flame seemed as if the wildest ink splashed on the silk paper, instantly eroding the entire pitcher plant, and the contaminated flame splashed on his body.

Nepenthes was burned to ashes, a weird and twisted black body came out, Hei Jue's face was very ugly staring at the ten-tailed pattern that was sealed in the black door struggling.

At the same time, the space behind him was rippling, and a man wearing a strange mask with scarlet evil eyes appeared, and he stared at the "struggling" pattern on the door.

Black door, the weird cat's eyes seem to map to another world, but it reveals a gloomy mist that obscures the line of sight. The two suddenly moved their eyes away!

This black door is fake!