Chapter 28

There was a short confusion among the people around Eun-woo and Tashian, but after some time they just quietly gave up.

Eun-woo glanced around.

There was fast tempo music that was playing when I was dancing with Count Briton. The dance of many couples across the hall was quite dynamic than before. The men were moving in a stylish movement that would have only been seen in movies, such as holding the woman's body in their arms and turning it around.

Eun-woo looked up at Tashian anxiously while looking at those people around her. Recognizing her gaze, he whispered, pulling her waist close to him.

"Hold my waist with one of your hands."

At the sudden contact, Eun-woo was surprised and wrapped her hands around his thick waist as he said. Then Tashian also wrapped her back and arms with his hands.

The bodies of the two, which had quickly become much closer together, began to move smoothly and gracefully.

After a while of dancing, Eun-woo realized that they were just like any other couples- natural and skillful. It was the result of leaving her body completely to him as he moved.

"… You're a good dancer, aren't you?"

Eun-woo couldn't hide her surprised voice and asked him.

"Why? Is it weird that I know how to dance?"

Tashian replied in a happy manner. It was a lovely view to see her embarrassed.

"No, not exactly like that…."

She thought of his image, a sword with dirt, a straight uniform without a button*, and his callous hand holding the flag.

(TN: A straight uniform without a button; might be representative of his personality. A cold attitude that can't be swayed.)

At that time, her body was spun once by an irresistible force. Eun-woo soon realized that after settling on his arms, he had been turning her around as if she was a doll.

"Dance is one of the essential arts of aristocrats."

Tashian spoke calmly, implying that it was very natural for her to dance like this. Although he doesn't seem to care much about her surprised reaction.

Eun-woo was worried that she, who was never familiar with dancing, would be viewed as strange in his eyes considering that she wasn't the real Eleanor. Thus she responded to him, pretending to be calm.

"Well, of course. It's something that I know well."

Tashian's eyes shone mischievously in the mask.

"Then, aren't you stepping on my feet too much if you knew very well how to dance?"

Eun-woo followed his gaze to the floor. Unlike him, who was proficient in stepping, her feet were busy following his swift movements. Of course, she didn't forget to step on his feet in between.

Eun-woo blushed thinking about her poor dance skills.

"Oh, it's just that my body is stiff because I hadn't danced for a long time. I'm going to get back my skills soon."

"Of course."

He responded seriously, but Eun-woo thought his attitude was more annoying. She solemnly pondered whether she had to find a dance teacher separately. She added it to her tasks!

"Not everyone can dance on their own like a Duke."

"I also learned it separately."

Eun-woo opened her eyes wide to his answer. I looked up at him in disbelief. He also looked down at her with his expressionless face underneath his mask.

Eun-woo imagined the man in front of her learning how to dance while being scolded by a dance teacher. No matter how hard she tried to imagine, there was no picture that came into her head, visualizing Tashian with a Dance Teacher.

She muttered sulkily.

"You're lying."

"It's true. However, it had been a long time."

My body turned again with his. And our hands met. His other free hand lightly brushed past her waist.

After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth again.

"I made a promise to someone that I will learn."

Before she found a suitable response to his words, he turned around again. His face then came close to hers.

Eun-woo thought that her eyes felt it was dizzyingly blurred by his sudden scent that came quickly into her nose.

Without understanding what he said, she kept his eyes on him. She couldn't read his expression because of his mask.

Yet again, her waist was caught, and her body was turned back. It was a movement in which her arms were crossed and her back was leaning against his forearm.

Eun-woo leaned on the hard arm of the man who pushed her backwards. The large body held her in his arms and moved stably.

"I had to practice a lot. I'm not talented."

With his words, Eun-woo's body was quickly turned back.

(TN: I'm getting dizzy on how she was turned around continuously (*_*)

She turned her picture around and looked at his silver mask with curious eyes while he grabbed his waist.

She looked at his silver mask with curious eyes as he grabbed her by the waist, twirling her around as if she was a painting.

"To whom you made such a promise….?"

But even before he could answer her question, his body suddenly moved away. It was a time for partner replacement.

Eun-woo saw a man wearing a sky-colored mask approaching her from a few steps away. She held the man's hand out.

Looking back, the Duke was already dancing with a woman wearing a pink mask in a spotless position. The woman's mouth, which protruded under the mask, was slightly open as if she could not believe what had happened to her now.

After a little while, it was time to go back to her former partner. The Duke grabbed Eun-woo's hand half a beat faster than what should be. The man in the skylight mask, who had lost his partner in a daze, had to remain alone for a while and searched for his partner.

The Duke's hand holding her waist was gripping it tighter than before. If the previous one seemed to caress her skin lightly, now his touch was holding her firmly.

'To whom did he make such a promise?'

Eun-woo was itching to ask him the same question she asked herself. However, she couldn't ask the question again, so she closed her mouth.

The two did not say anything to each other as if they were focusing on dancing. There was an awkward atmosphere between the two than what they had previously.

In order to continue the conversation, Eun-woo brought up a topic of conversation that was spreading among people.

"…Tashian, did you hear that my brother will be back before the knight competition?"

"Ah. I heard about it for a while when I met with the Crown Prince. It's been a while since the victory celebration banquet was held, and the Hellasium Empire has no time to rest. And at the end of the war, there was a lot of talk about whether or not the war of knights would be abolished, but in the end, tradition seems to have the higher votes."

His voice was filled with displeasure. Eun-woo brought up a question that had come to her mind as soon as she heard that there was an upcoming knight competition.

"Are you participating too?"

Tashian was momentarily silent on her question.

He won't participate. He had just returned from the battlefield, so there were many things to say, but the biggest reason was his position as the commander of the Knights. The competition was purely to honor the long tradition and to determine the rank within the Knights.

"The purpose of the knight competition is to encourage soldiers to recharge their morale and train individuals. It doesn't necessarily mean anything for me to participate as the leader."

"I knew it."

Eun-woo nodded that her guess was right. Looking at her, he suddenly asked.

"Are you going to watch it?"

"Oh, maybe."

When she was sitting with Selena earlier, a group of ladies came up and talked about the knight's competition and had invited her to watch it together.

Eun-woo replied that she would do so to participate in social events and expand her connections. And of course, Selena would be coming with me.

Tashian immediately opened his mouth.

"Get the first class seats, I'll back you up."

She was surprised by what he said and stepped on his foot one more time.

"Oh, I'm sorry! But it's really okay.."

"You don't have to feel pressured. Everyone uses their personal connections to occupy a good view in such occasions. You are the only younger sister of my friend. If I can't do this kind of kindness, my prestige will not stand."

Eun-woo was surprised that he used the word 'friendship' directly toward her brother rather than the fact that he abused the position itself.

She tried to reject his offer once again, but he turned her around again.

Once again, the time for partner replacement has come. However, no matter how long Eun-woo waited, he held her hand tightly and did not let go.

Eun-woo was embarrassed and struggled to get out of his grasp so that others would not see them. However, there was already a replacement of partners around them. The quick-witted men and women had already skipped them and replaced their partners quickly.

It was a very common sight in this kind of minuet, but Eun-woo, who was experiencing this for the first time, whispered to Tashian with her bewildered eyes.

"Tashian….? Aren't we supposed to change partners here?"

She looked up at him urgently. However, he responded calmly without wiggling his eyebrows.

"I missed the beat."

Eun-woo was speechless at his absurd lie. To miss the beat, he was holding her hand too tightly and did not let go.

"Don't lie!"

"It's true. I had already told you. I'm not good at dancing."

Eun-woo dropped her jaw at his shamelessness.

He misses the beat? Even a passing dog would laugh. In this way, he creates plausible movements for himself, who does not know the basics of dancing. He was still creaking while taking one step. On the other hand, he has been moving flexibly without a single reaction even when his foot has been stepped on by her since before.

Eun-woo sighed as if she couldn't help it.

She missed the timing of the partner replacement and danced with him one more time, but she was also pleased with the fact.

Eun-woo opened her mouth, looking at her feet which were continuously stepping on his foot again due to a false movement that she didn't know how many times she had done it.

"… I'm sorry. Your feet must hurt a lot, right?

"I think my feet are on fire."


Eun-woo blushed and stared at him. She could feel him smirking playfully behind his mask.

Eun-woo liked his smile and blushed, but looked around in case anyone heard her.

Then suddenly, his arm, holding her waist, widened.

"…Don't think you're following the beat, but dance like you're waiting for the next step."

Tashian explained in a low voice and held her other hand strongly. Her small hand was covered by his large hand.

Eun-woo looked down and kept pace with him. She then began counting the beats one by one. Her small feet in shoes were chasing him. At one point, he whispered softly into her ear.

"Like that. You're doing well."

Eun-woo stepped one by one with him as if she was possessed with dancing.

Since then, she has never stepped on his foot. He smiled at her skills, which had improved with just a few guides.

"You're talented."

Eun-woo felt her heart beating helplessly at his smile.

Looking around, another partner replacement time had passed. Eun-woo's ears turned red and hid her face inside Tashian's wide arms.

Now the people dancing next to them were almost ignoring them.

"… I've never thought dancing was fun, but it's pretty good."

She murmured involuntarily as she watched their feet never tangle. Then, oh, she stepped on his foot again.

If Eleanor was a woman who liked dancing, wouldn't her words be a huge mistake?

Eun-woo, who got frightened, lifted her head and looked at his movements. However, Eun-woo could not read his expression that was hidden in his mask at all.

He muttered low in an unknown voice.

"You were like that back then, too. At first, you were almost as bad as I was, but you quickly caught up. If I had learned properly, I might have dominated all kinds of dances by now."

Eun-woo felt her heart had sunk at what he said at the moment.

His voice faded as if he was fumbling with something beyond the past, not reality.

Eun-woo instinctively noticed that he was not talking about her now, but to the real 'Eleanor' living in his past.