Chapter 65

When Eun-woo saw them at one glance, the men wearing swords around their waists scared the commoners and they stepped back. Selena on the other hand, pressed Eun-woo's shoulder to assure her.

However, even though Selena did her best, Eun-woo couldn't calm herself when she saw the dozens of armed men with their swords the length of their own legs, approaching the two men with their expressionless faces.

"… They are the shadow army of the Imperial family; Black Troops."

Selena stopped what she was doing then pointed at the men who appeared out of nowhere and whispered to Eun-woo with a low voice. Eun-woo had to grab her body while nodding her head, which was uncontrollably shaking due to the intimidating appearance of the men.

Eun-woo had never thought that she would be able to see these men in person.

Due to the circumstances, Eun-woo wasn't that happy that her curiosity of these men satisfied her.

The members of the Black Troops, the exclusive shadow guard of the royal family, surrounded Karzxion and Tashian, who were engaged in a roundly fierce battle, and Lord Ouns, who stood in between them. The Black Troops' took out their swords and the distance from the three men were short, so one command from the Crown Prince can kill either of them in one strike.

When Eun-woo saw that their swords were even pointed at Tashian, she took a deep breath while standing there.

"Why aren't you doing anything…?! Hurry and withdraw your knife!"

With their swords drawn, one of the shadow guards that surrounded them raised their voices and threatened Karzxion.

Eun-woo could guess from the familiar voice that he was the man who had been following Ikshid's orders the other day.

However, for some reason, even when the Black Troops appeared, Karzxion did not withdraw his sword, nor did he take any similar action.

What the hell is he doing this for? Eun-woo became so impatient that she got to the point of rolling her eyes.

At last, Karzxion opened his mouth again after the black troops' training. His eyes were turned to Ikshid, who could not see his face properly, as he was wearing his red cloak to cover his face.

"Your Highness, I'm really sorry for this… but I have seen all the strange things there is to see in this world."

It was a voice that was so calm that it was hard to believe that it was from the man who was holding out because of the force of Sir Ouns and Tashian. At the same time, there was an obvious polite manner and stubborn rudeness in his voice. Karzxions eyes were squinted as he looked at Ikshid.

"… With such subordinates like this, it's not easy to guess your authority."

Hearing those words, the men of the Black Troops each took one step forward towards Karzxion. However, their movement was blocked by Ikshid's outstretched hand.

For a moment, Eun-woo thought that she had read an embarrassing sense of satisfaction from Ikshid's lips.

"It's alright. Put away your swords."

He ordered the Black Troops. And he added in a voice that was quite uncomfortable.

"Haa, what am I expecting from my Mezzolin Knights, knowing the sickening rules…"

Then he pulled his black hood, which was large enough to cover his mahogany hair, revealing his own face.

Eun-woo's eyes widened at Ikshid's actions. And Selena, who was next to her, must have felt that it was an unexpected occurrence, and she gave her strength to hold Eun-woo's shoulder.

"You must have never seen my face. But you must have heard of my eyes."

Ikshid murmured, pulling his cloak back, revealing his eyes. Everyone's eyes were focused on Ikshid's face.

For a moment, Eun-woo felt a chill down her spine at the cold expression on the crown prince's face. It wasn't just because of Ikshid's expressionless smile, but because of his golden eyes that were reflected in the sunlight and radiated like a scattering of golden powder.

His eyes, which could not be thought of as one of the human's eyes, were reflected in the sun and emitted more brilliant light. It was not gold snow with yellow that always encountered under the roof or awning. Under the blazing sun, his eyes seemed to glow as much as the other two suns.

Eun-woo saw Selena staring at Ikshid's eyes like that, and then bowing her head in a hurry. The same was true of the other Black Troops. Tashian, too, paid attention to the crown prince's sudden action, then again quickly turned his gaze to the sword of Karzxion in front of his eyes. But before Eun-woo could take his eyes off him, Ikshid lowered his hood again and covered his eyes.

Then there was the sound of a metal falling to the floor with a clicking sound. Three swords were lying on the floor at once.

In front of the fallen metal, the owners of the swords were seen kneeling in front of Ikshid.

"Bone sword, Karzxion Ilias Ubera. I finally see the rising sun of Hellasium."

(TN: Rising Sun means the next emperor of the empire, the Crown Prince.)

Ikshid's numb expression crept into his face once more, as Karzxon knelt in front of his own and bowed before him.

"Get rid of it. You'll not be exempted from the punishment that caused this commotion, Ubera."

"Of course. The Mezzolin Central Knights have always bowed their heads before the authority of legitimacy. I will accept the punishment for the sin of causing an unexpected disturbance in the empire."

"You're a smooth talker."

"I am honored, Your Highness."

Ikshid's face softened with bitterness at the thick face of Karzxion, who could not feel even a single word of shame about the turmoil that had just happened. But he turned around without further questioning.

"You must have seen me idling. I'll definitely ask you about the sin of ruining a happy occasion like this."

All of a sudden, Ikshid's subordinates were rectifying the situation by raising up and tying up the remnants that had fallen on the streets.

Eun-woo quickly picked up the sword that had fallen on the floor and ran to the side of Tashian, who was putting it in the sheath.

"Tashan…! Are you okay?"


Tashian came running towards her with his arms open and he caught her gently. Eun-woo grabbed his arm with both hands and rolled his eyes hard to make sure he wasn't hurt anywhere.

But even when she asked if Tashian was okay, he only gently caressed her hair beside him.

Then he took his steps toward the horse that was held by the servants, who wrapped her shoulders with a shawl around it.

"Get a wagon that can take this Miss right now. Return back now."

"Tashian… I'm fine. I can walk."

Eun-woo quickly protested, but she was one of the nobles. He opened his mouth with a determined attitude, as if implying not to even dream of him going with her.

"Even if it's hard and you're tired, be patient. Soon the servants will come with the wagons. I'll put them to trial, deal with the rest of them, and then go back. You are going back to the castle with the young Miss of Wellwoods."


"The Duke is right. Selena, why don't you go in first and get some rest?"

Selena nodded her head at Ikshid's advice.

Eun-woo was again led by Selena, who wrapped her arms around her shoulder and moved to the side of the horse. Even then, she couldn't take her eyes off Tashian.

At that moment, Karzxion's smirk-like voice could be heard from behind her.

"…My, oh my, My lady, it's a shame that you didn't get a drop of water on your hand, but you were a much more noble person than I thought."

(TN: 'You didn't get a drop of water on your hand', means a 'mighty' person like a person who's a high ranking official.)

Eun-woo turned her head and looked behind him.

Unsurprisingly, that smirk on Karzxion's politeness caught her eye. When the situation was settled to a certain extent, he quickly regained his former composure and returned to a relaxed posture, looking around him for nothing to enjoy.

Eun-woo frowned and rebuked him.

"Why don't you put some water on your hands? If you're so bloody, the horse will kick you in the face."

The attention of those around them was focused on the two naturally arguing.

Due to that brief commotion, Eun-woo could feel that something like a strange friendship had accumulated with the man in front of her. It was not very pleasant to be friendly with such a sassy man, but Eun-woo could not deny the fact that she liked his man's bubbly and direct way of speaking quite a bit.

At that time, Tashian, who had been watching the two of them closely, suddenly intervened between them.

"Ubera. If you have time to flirt like that, grab the reins of the horse. Even a skinny guy like you knows how to escort Miss."

It was a hard, business-like voice, but it was the same as the look in his contempt for Karzxion.

Eun-woo naturally stood in front of him and looked at Tashian, who blocked Karzxon's gaze. Even with such a small act, her mind jumped recklessly.

Eun-woo was about to say something more to Karzxion, but then changed her mind and quietly hid behind Tashian's wide back.

Karzxion, who was watching her like that, narrowed his eyes as if she was acting in an absurd manner.

"Ha… Where does the brave lady who threw the broken wine bottle from behind me go, and only the negligent and precocious new girl is left?"

It was a forceful tone to ridicule her inner self. At Karzxion's reckless remarks, Tashian raised an eyebrow and stepped forward in front of him.

"Ubera. Can't you shut that filthy mouth of yours right now?"

Karzxion did not back down as well. He took another step back towards Tashiaan and twisted the corners of his mouth.

"How embarrassing. At least, I was more educated than you, who ran wild on the street when I was fulfilling my duty to My Lady earlier."

Thinking about that time, as if it was ridiculous, the brow between Karzxion's two eyebrows narrowed.

"In the hell of a fire pit where thousands of soldiers were burning to death, four men who had never lost their reason were gulped down by my provocation. I can't shut up, even if I look funny."

"Then I'll need to train your brain again."

Tashian's eerie voice was heard. Eun-woo saw behind his back his shoulder muscles, which had stiffened with anger, wriggled. But Karzxion did not intend to stop.

"I'm starting this riot with a little teasing now, but if I just repeat what that heavy drunkard told My Lady, I'm afraid you'll turn the whole Cremons upside down."

"… What does that mean?"

Eun-woo looked at Tashian, who put his hand on his scabbard again, with anxious eyes.

"I am very disappointed with your judgment today. I was only guilty of saving My Lady who pitifully suffered from the hands of those drunkard bastards! And it's purely your fault for the lady to get her clothes dirty on their hands. If you had stuck to my girl like a dog in the first place, she wouldn't have suffered the fate as today!"

Eun-woo opened her mouth with an unreasonable force. Knowing that this was purely to provoke Tashian, she quickly tried to intervene. But Tashian was one step faster. He lowered his head towards her. He frowned at her as if it was difficult to put it in his mouth and asked while grinding his teeth.

"Did they… do any other harm to you?"

His gigantic body trembled slightly, as if trying to contain his uncontrollable anger.

"Tell me… Eleanor, how did those drunkards torture you?"

Eun-woo was at a loss for words as she looked at his eyes which were filled with anger burning like burning volcanic ash.

She could not have imagined that someone else could be so angry on her behalf.

Just like the bad memories that are hurtful and forgotten as if they were washed up in their mother's arms, the feeling of being engulfed in a bright mood of animal excrement was quickly filled with a little joy.

But that feeling was only temporary. She woke up quickly and shook her head, trying to appease the overwhelmed man in front of her.