Chapter 9: Yandere

"Yup, I quit."


"Because I have money now."

"Okay. You don't need to come to work anymore."



"Anime logic sure comes in handy..." Araki said, putting her phone down.

"I don't even need a letter of resignation or anything!"

"[Stop]." Araki said, everything around her turning gray.

"Hosh!" She jumped out of the bed and walked towards the door.

"AHH!!" (Scream)

Right after she opened the door and turned right, she saw a body frozen in time.

"Holy fuck!" She yelled, seeing Takashi's who was sneaking towards the door.

"When did he get home?!" She said, circling around him.

"Hehe..." She laughed with a mischievous smile.

She closed the door behind her, walked across the hall, and went into her room. Closing the door behind her and leaving only a crack left to see through.

"[Resume]" She whispered, keeping her eye's on Takashi.

Time resumed and Takashi creeped his way towards the door. Once he made his way there, he turned around and made a waving motion towards the living room.

'Huh?' Akari was visibly confused, who could he be waving too?

"What are you doing?" She heard a whisper, that was definitely not Takashi's.

'Stop.' She said in her mind before opening the door.

Near the sliding door that reached the entrance of the house stood a young boy. One who seemed to be timid and shy.

He had short blonde hair and a girly face, reminding Akari of a character from an anime in her previous life.

'Armin?' She thought, walking up to the boy.

'No... is this, Sato?'


She moved the hands that were placed on the kids chest, and examined the his left arm.

'Yup, it's Sato...' She confirmed, looking at the huge red birthmark on the kids forearm.

'Why didn't he tell me he was coming over?' Thought Araki, looking back at Takashi.

"Tch, I'll find out anyway." She said walking towards the bathroom door.

She opened it slightly and chanted in her head, 'Resume'.


The sound of the door closing made Takashi jump.

"Takashi, why didn't use tell me you were bringing Satoshi?" Araki said, chopping Takashi's head.


"Hi Sato, I don't know if you remember me but I'm Takashi's brother, Araki!"

Araki quickly recovered and dashed towards Satoshi, covering the entire room in under a second.

"U-Uh... Hi Araki-san." Sato said with a bright red face.

His gaze turned towards the ground as he tried to avoid looking at Araki.

Araki used one of her skills and looked at the words above Sato's head.

[Name: Suzuki Sato]

[Emotion/Feeling(s): Confused, Embarrassed, Shy]

[Thoughts: Confused by the beauty of his childhood friends brother. Embarrassed about his boner.]

[You made someone hard! 5 Experience gained.]

"..." Araki's face became slightly red when she looked down at the tent in Sato's pants.


Sato gasped and his hands shot down, covering his crotch.

"Could you show me where the bathroom is?" He asked looking down, letting his hair cover his eyes.

"I-It's on the right side of the hall at the end." Akari said, pointing towards the bathroom.

Immediately after she pointed, Sato sprinted off.

"What happened Nee-chan?" Takashi whispered from next to her.

"Nothing Takashi. Why is he here though?" She asked, walking with Takashi to his room.

"Well he I met him when I was walking home, so I invited him here." He explained.

[You made someone cum while thinking of you! 50 Experience Gained!]

"Jeez..." Araki muttered seeing the notification.

"Huh?" Takashi said looking towards Araki.


Araki jumped on the bed with a sigh.

'If it's gonna be like this all the time, I don't know if Takashi will be able to have company over...' She thought laying on the bed.

"Sorry Takashi, my mom just called and she said I have to be home now! I gotta go!" Sato yelled from the hallway, making Takashi look back.

"Bu-" By the time Takashi had peaked his head out of the room, Sato was already gone.

"Just leave him." Araki said, playing with her nails

Takashi turned around and looked at Araki with a frown.

"Does he not like me Nee-chan?" Takashi said, crawling onto the bed, laying his head on Araki's thighs.

"Did you not hear him say he has to help his mom?"

Araki sat up and sat cross legged. She rested Takashi's head in between her legs and ran her fingers through his hair.

"But... It felt like he was lying..."

'No way... I didn't think anyone would ever be able to actually take hints in this world.' Araki thought with a shocked face.

"It's fine Takashi... If he really didn't want to hang out with you, he wouldn't have came in the first place."

"But don't bring people here anymore..." Araki said warily.

"Huh? Why?"

"Well... what if I was naked or something. You wouldn't want other people to see me like that, would you?" She said, convincingly.

When Takashi heard Araki's words, his face immediately became shadowed and he stopped speaking.

The aura he gave off was frightening, even for someone like Araki.


"Huh? Oh sorry Nee-chan. You're right, I wouldn't want anyone to see you like that!" Takashi responded, looking up at Araki's face.

'Y-Yandere?!?!' Was the only word that was stuck in Araki's mind.