Chapter 14: First Encounter

"What the hell was that for man!?" A yell came from the shrubbery Nomura was knocked into.

"I thought you said people here were weak?" Takashi turned to me and asked.

"I put a fraction of my power behind that punch, I'd expect him to be hospitalized..."

"A fraction? What the heck man, you're just trying to make me look bad." Nomura said, jumping out of the bushes.

"In front of all the ladies too..." He said, shaking his head in embarrassment.

'Takashi, don't call me Nee-chan here, or anything like that. It wouldn't make it as fun.' Araki said to Takashi through telepathy.


"Fudou Nomura right?" Araki said, looking directly into Nomura's eyes. Their heights were evenly leveled, Araki only being a centimeter taller.

"Y-Yeah?" He responded, trying to hide the fear in his eyes.

"I'm a boy. And I'd recommend not looking at me like that, my boyfriend over here is the jealous type." Araki said, pointing her thumb towards Takashi at the end?


Takashi let out a small gasp off in the distance when he heard the word "boyfriend".

"B-B-Boy?! No way, you must be messing with me." Nomura said, sweat dripping down the side of his face.

"Yeah, you just want to drive me away or something."

"Are you trying to get me to prove it to you? Perhaps, you're trying to see me naked." Araki said, tears threatening to flood down her eyes.

"What?" A deathly aura sprouted from behind Nomura, the red and black air around Takashi was suffocating.

"Wait what did I say before? I believe your a boy, I mean who wouldn't? You're not even that hot..." Nomura said, almost pissing his pants.


"Are you trying to say Akari's ugly?!?"

"Ah- What? No way man! Sh-He's beau- Very good looking!" Nomura responded, swiftly turning around and trying to back away from Takashi.


Nomura tripped while walking and landed on his butt.

"Psst! Boys!" Whispered a deep voice from the bushes.

"Get over here! You both are definitely new!" It said.

Takashi released his deathly aura and looked at the bushes, then back to Araki.

'Go.' She said in his mind.

Takashi walked over towards the fallen Nomura and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him off to the bushes.

Araki activated a skill that would make her invisible to the naked eye unless they knew she was there;


She walked over to the three crouching in the bushes and opened her system while eavesdropping.

[Name: Hana Araki]

[Body Type: Trap/Femboy]

[Achievement(s): 12]

[Age: 19]

[Class: (8) Godly Trap]

[Level: 157 (17%)]

[Enhancements: +102]


STR - 742 DEX - 789

END - 817 AGI - 829

INT - 127 WIS - 125

CHA - 1937 LUK - 99



[The End (Perfected)], [Kumagawa's God Defying Skills (- All Fiction)], [Time Control], [Space Manipulation], [Hell Flare], [Lessen Charm] +347

System Points: 31 Million


"I still need almost half a billion sp to get [All-Fiction]."

"I don't even come near Gumball or Darwin's skills..." She said closing her system.

"I would tell you both to try not to cause trouble but it seems I was too late." The buddh- Masuko, said.

"It'd be best if you were to lay low and just try and fit in for now."

Masuko said before sliding out of the bushes and creeping away.

'Aww, seems I missed most of the conversation.'