{Congratulations! You've managed to become a pregnant incestuous trap! 10x exp multiplier with family members!}
{Congratulations! You've managed to become pregnant! 4x exp multiplier with the father!}
{You've become pregnant! 1,000,000 (2,000,000) Experience gained!}
{Congratulations! Achievement unlocked, [Male Mother!]}
{Congratulations! Achievement unlocked, [Parent of a God!]}
{Family Tree updated!}
{Family Tree skill gained!}
{Family Tree Achievement gained!}
The panels woke the resting Araki, making her eyes widen to an unknown degree. She was currently laying on top of Takashi who was sleeping on his back, both of them unclothed as usual.
2 months had passed since those unpredictable notifications. Araki knew full well she was capable of pregnancy knowing the enhancements she had.
But she didn't expect it to happen anytime soon.
And plus, she didn't even understand the process behind it, but it still happened.
Though it seemed the process of pregnancy for her would be much shorter and easier than the norm, partly because of her inability to feel most pain.
But also the fact that she had so much energy and power stored in her body, that it could be used to feed the baby and increase its growth speed to an unbelievable rate.
Araki was currently looking over her status that had grown so much, examining her achievements and her family tree.
[Name: Hana Araki]
[Body Type: Trap/Femboy]
[Achievement(s): 15]
[Age: 19]
[Class: (8) Godly Trap]
[Level: 726 (57%)]
[Enhancements: +152]
[Energy: 100%]
STR - 1797 DEX - 2699
END - 1862 AGI - 2999
INT - 211 WIS - 201
CHA - 4147 LUK - 1500
[The End (Perfected)], [All Fiction], [Conjure Large Objects], [Low Reality Warping], [Conjure Fire], [Mental Influence], [Foot God], [Point 1] +503
System Points: 3.2 Billion
[Family Tree]
Ancestor: Hana Araki.
Husband(s): Hana Takashi
Wife(s): -
Partner(s): -
Children: [Unnamed]
[Passive Sp gain: 10,000 per hour]
[Shared Skills]
Protagonist Aura (3)
The End (2)
Water Control (2)
[Shared Enhancements]
Abnormal Strength (3)
Lustful Member (2)
[Shared Achievements]
Heavens Feet (2)
[Achievement(active): (3) Male Mother]
Being a male who is able to give birth to a child you have gained a motherly aura.
Effects: Being a male who is able to give birth to a child you have gained a motherly aura.
[CHA + 5, WIS +5]
[Achievement(active): (8) Parent of a God]
You're the parent of a being destined for greatness.
Effects: You're kid is a protagonist
The two achievements weren't much help, but that wasn't of much importance to Araki. She had entered the Family Tree multiple times to check on it.
The numbers next to the abilities represented the amount of people holding them.
Its base value would always be two though as an ability would be held by Araki and one other no matter what.
But what kept Araki's attention daily was the fact that new abilities had popped up, and been shared.
Abilities such as [Heavens Feet], [Water Control] and [Abnormal Strength].
Araki was standing at a window, facing the outside of her house where she watched Takashi who walked around, conjuring things while he wore nothing but underwear.
She glanced down at her protruding stomach. It looked as if she was 6 months pregnant. She could guess that it would only take her one more month before she gave birth to their first child.
Every so often the Family Tree would update, forming a new skill or something of the like.
Water Control and Heavens Feet had been passed down from Araki while she assumed Abnormal Strength came from her and Takashi.
She enjoyed watching Takashi roam around outside, forming buildings, terraforming the landscape to fit the vision he had for this world.
A world he planned to populate with Araki and their family alone.
Araki wasn't against the idea, she just never thought Takashi would be the one to propose it.
"Which will it be, boy or girl?" Araki asked herself, rubbing her stomach as she looked back up through the window.
Takashi had removed his underwear as he basked in the presence of a statue he had just built.
A statue of Araki of course.
The person the piece of art was based off of could only chuckle as she examined the replica of her.
Takashi was totally in love.
Weeks more passed, Araki giving birth to a baby boy after the 3 month mark.
At birth, the baby, given the name Sora, had been gifted with 2 skills, 2 enhancements and 2 achievements.
An oddly even amount.
He had the two skills, [Water Control] and [Invisibility]. The two enhancements, [Lustful Member] and [Abnormal Strength]. And finally, the two achievements, [Heavens Feet] and [Genius Child].
Each and every single one was overpowered in their own right, but [Genius Child] and [Abnormal Strength] was an overkill pairing.
Even with the latent energy fed to him by Araki, it would've taken him 3 months to start walking and 4 or 5 to talk.
Yet he was walking in a week and speaking in a month. It was truly a sight to behold.
Within two months, Sora was 2 feet tall and roaming around on his own. He spoke little, but it was clear he understood a lot.
"Hai~" Sora said in his baby voice, waving at his one and only Mother, who wore minimal clothing, being only a black thong and a crop top that didn't cover much.
"Hey Sora!" Araki said, picking up her diapered baby and pinching his cheeks.
"Wach dada." The baby said, pointing towards the front door of their large medieval house.
Ever since Takashi knew he was gonna be having a kid, he had let his personality run free, becoming the same curious kid he was before.
Albeit he was much smarter this time and interested in a wide array of things.
As of now, he was studying the abnormal phenomena known as magic! Araki and Sora left their house, arriving in the garden in front of their house where they saw Takashi, sitting in the grass nude with his eyes closed particles roaming around him.
It was a common occurrence... According to him, he felt he could connect with mana easier with the more skin it touched, so he would often meditate with a lack of clothes.
"Wake up!" Sora chanted to his mother, pointing at father. Araki only smiled as she stepped towards Takashi who had drowned out the world around him.
"Hmph!" Araki grunted girlishly, her foot landing on Takashi's face, making him tumble over and roll a few times.
"And you did that why?" Takashi asked confusedly, earing chuckles from both Sora and Araki.
"We wanted to watch you play with your magic and stuff." Araki said, waving her finger around where a set of blue particles formed, swirling around in the air.
Takashi frowned.
"I didn't need to be kicked for that..." He sighed, making the two laugh even more.
Even though Takashi seemed to be annoyed, he truly wasn't. This happened often since Sora had grown enough to understand what he was interested in.
And he often asked to watch his father experiment and mess around, but Araki always had to ask for him in the most outlandish ways.
"Welp! Have a seat my beautiful family." He gestured, letting the two sit in the grass.
"Watch and learn Sora!" Takashi said happily, clasping his hands together in front of his chest.
"Thunder Release!" He spoke, slowly pulling his hands apart as the three watched streaks of lightning bounce around in between the two palms.
"And... Return!" He said, clapping his hands together, making the electricity disappear.
"Cool!" Sora screamed, pointing at his father from his mothers arms.
"Wahter Releese!" The child said, clapping his hands together and slowly pulling them apart. In between his palms was a coagulation of clear water, swimming around in the air.
The two parents had their jaw drop, while Sora could only laugh brightly while moving his hands, making the water float around.
Both Araki and Takashi knew Sora had a great affinity to water magic, even having an ability that would greatly help him with it before he was even born. But neither of them expected him to be able to utilize at the age of 2 months.
On top of the fact that he had only seen a different use of another magic, and he applied it to water!
"Definitely a genius child..." Araki said, fixing her jaw.