
After three days, Aaron almost lost hope. But on the third night, he left his bedroom. He first walked inside Isabella's bedroom. He looked at the photographs on display, musing; was nostalgic. He was smiling. He could not afford to lose Isabella. He loved her, he knew, deep inside him.

Then, he stepped out. He wanted to see Michael's bedroom. He slowly turned the knob open. To his surprise, Isabella and the baby were sleeping calmly in the bed as if nothing happened. He wanted to shout to tell all the people in the mansion that their mom and the baby were found. But he did not want to disturb them in their sleep so he went downstairs where dinner was waiting.

"I got good news to tell you." He told Josh and Suzy in the presence of Ellie, Zen, Eleanor, Dante, and David.

Zoraida meowed gently while Jackson barked like telling everybody that they knew.

Josh and Suzy laughed. Ellie, Eleanor, Zen, Dante, and David laughed.

"Why?" asked Aaron.

Josh and Suzy chuckled.

"We knew dad." Suzy said.

Josh was quiet, but he was smiling.