Lost your powers brother

Hearing everything that she told her, Lily's eyes widened and started to jump on the bed, Excited.

'' What I read wasn't just words in some history book's, It is true, They have the power to cure every disease, It's all in their blood and we just have to find a way to take some of it." Lily spoke so fast as she shook her friend's shoulders repeatedly.

Amelia thought about her friend's words and wondered about something.

"Do you mean that I'm cured now?" She asked not believing that it's true.

Lily's hands dropped to her side at Amelia's question.

"I don't know, We can't be sure, Let's wait and see what happens." Lily replied."But at least we have a clue now and I promise that I will get that blood for you, I won't let you die, I promise." She added and Amelia nodded her head.


At the castle.

When Jason went back to the castle this time he spent most of the day in his room. Usually, He spent most of his time in the lab or the library, But Today he felt like doing nothing and just lay down on the bed. He only left his room when it was dinner time.

"I received a letter from Hector, He said that he will visit the castle next week with his sister." Adonis informed his brother as they ate their food.

"It's been a long time since he visited the castle." Jason replied.

"Hmm, Last time he visited the castle he slept most of the maids, I need to put males servants for him once he arrives." Adonis said.

Jason chuckled, Remembering the last time his cousin was here.

"You should." He replied agreeing with his brother.

Jason stared at his brother who was eating his food. No matter how much Adonis tried to hide his sadness and guilt, it was always obvious in his eyes and in everything he did.

Adonis was the king of the forbidden land, The oldest pureblood vampire alive, Their family had ruled for centuries, Some believe that they are the oldest purebloods.

But Unlike the other king's of the other lands, Adonis was kind to his subjects, That is loved and respected by everyone, Only if he just were a little kinder towards the humans.


At dawn, Adonis was awakened from his sleep feeling a strong presence of a human and it was near. He got off his bed and walked towards the balcony following the scent. He opened the balcony door and stepped inside.

Adonis frowned when he saw the same girl from that day standing in front of the gate. He let out a sigh as he placed his hand on the railing as fixed his eyes on that blonde-haired girl.

"I should have killed her that day." Adonis muttered under his breath.

"Hmm, What a blod human, I think you started to lose your powers brother due to not drinking human blood."

Adonis turned to look at his brother with his red eyes, Clearly not amused with his joke.