In the castle

Inside the castle, Amila's father was asked to say outside the room she was taken to, He didn't refuse and waited outside the room. This man had offered to save his daughter, Of course, He won't refuse, Even if he had to give everything he has.

Inside the room, Amila was placed gently on the bed, Her forehead was covered with sweat beads and her breathing wasn't even, She wasn't completely unconscious but she couldn't sense her surroundings.

"This will relieve you from the pain, But it's only temporary." He whispered to the sick girl who was laying on the bed as he placed his hand on her chest.

A white light appeared from under his hand and he heard her cry in pain. He wasn't healing her completely, He was only treating her temporarily.

Amila felt that pain again If someone was piercing her lungs needlessly but after some time the pain was gone and she felt much better and her breathing went back to normal.

"Amila." She heard someone call her, She was too exhausted to open her eyes but she forced them open.

Her eyes fluttered open and the first thing she saw was Jason and the second thing she noticed she was in a room but it wasn't her room.

"Jason, Where am I?" Amila asked as she stared at the man in front of her.

Smiling at her, He replied.

"You are in the forbidden land, Inside the castle."

Your father is here too, He is waiting outside." He added.

Amila's eyes widened and she immediately sat up on the bed.

"What? How?" She asked as she looked around her.

"I will explain everything to you, I promise, But first, We need to find your friend. Did she mention to you where she is going?" He asked her in a gentle tone.

His brother had told him about what happened the last time he saw that girl. She had told him that she would go and find help in some other place.

"I thought that Lily was here." Amila said growing worried, Now she doesn't know where her friend is.

"No, She isn't, But do you think you know where she might have gone?" He asked, His red eyes staring at her.

Amila stayed silent for a moment thinking, A few days ago, Lily had spoken to her about witches and their powers that can heal humans incurred diseases.

"She spoke about witches and their powers, But she promised me that she won't go there, Do you think that she went there?" Amila asked, worried that something might happen to her friend.

"It's possible." Jason replied as he turned to look at Mykel who was waiting at the door for his master orders.``Mykel, Go and inform my brother with what you heard." He ordered him and the seven compiled to his master orders.

Jason turned to look at Amila who was worried about her friend, He placed his hand above hers.

"Don't worry, We will find her." He said as he placed his other hand on the back of her head."But for now, You need to rest, Your body is exhausted." He added and before Amila could protest, Jason used his powers and put her to sleep.