
Hello dear readers, I'm dropping this note to explain something.

This novel is no Historical fantasy romance novel, It's a Fantasy romance, So the places and the clothes will look a little like the modern world, But not the modern world, A fantasy world that is a little similar to the modern world.

I hope that I was able to explain the Idea to you, The readers.

Thank you and don't forget to vote and review and support this novel.


By the time Lily woke up, it was dark. She tried to move her body but it was hard, It felt heavy and her lamps were hurting.

What happened to me? She asked hers as she looked around her before she looked down at herself and noticed that she was wearing a white nightgown.

Where I am?

Lily pushed her body to sit up looking around her, She pushed herself out of the bed and walked towards the window, Pulling the curtains open, Her eyes widened at the realization.

"I am inside the castle." She whispered in fear to herself.

Suddenly the door to the room opened and she turned to look at it and saw a maid entering with a try in her hands.

"My lady, You are still sick, You need to rest." The maid said as she placed the tray on the table before she walked towards Lily.

Now that she mentioned it, She does feel exhausted and tired.

"How did I come here?" She asked the maid as she helped her to go back to the bed.

Hearing her question the maid became worried.

"My lady, You don't remember anything?" The maid asked her.

Lily's eyebrows creased as she tried to remember what happened. She remembered going to the witch's house and asking for help. They spoke and she gave her a potion. After that, she doesn't remember anything.

"Stop calling my lady, My name is Lily, Call me Lily." She snapped at the maid feeling irritated." Who brought me here?" She asked again.

The maid nodded her head not wanting to be punished because she made the king guest angry.

"The king brought you here." She answered.

Lily's eyes narrowed hearing this.

"I want to leave, Can you bring my clothes? I can't find them here." Lily said, looking around the room, searching for her clothes.

"Um, My lady, You can't leave..."

"STOP calling me, My lady, Now bring me my clothes." Lily demands, Angry.

The maid wanted to pull her hair, Not knowing what to do.

But suddenly the door opened and her salvation arrived.

Feeling the atmosphere suddenly turned cold, Lily turned around to see who entered and when she saw it was him, Her heart started to beat faster out of fear.

"Leave." Adonis ordered the maid and she quickly left, closing the door behind her.

His cold voice made her body shiver and she lifted her head glaring at him.

Seeing her sulking, He smiled but she didn't see his smile because his face was covered with a mask.